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Courting Hares.

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You would see none if we all had that same attitude

that is why fellow members on here are all saying numbers are low, Hares, Rabbits, ((( in most areas, ))) but an overload of deer, ((( the above is not a Hunter but a butcher, a destruction of wild li

With out a terrier I wouldn't see 3 round here.so if am lucky anoth to see or get a run on one its getting run..I don't lamp or ferrit so am not taking eny real good bags in wintet .so al keep to mooc

Add the up over a year.. The odd one or two..and am a butcher..perish the thougt they find a bird..shooters killing all year round.. And I take a hand full over a year..butcher lol.you lads take more in a good week than I do a year..FB_IMG_1454267840716_zpscvpyweon.jpg

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  On 31/01/2016 at 19:39, tb25 said:

Am sure it makes up for it in other ways..mines just here till fill the pot.

Old and retired now just bought a spaniel to retrieve for me when I go mooching with the catty and that doesn't even want to retrieve lol

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  On 31/01/2016 at 20:41, fluff said:

hares are not boxing in the cold north we are sometimes five weeks behind in some bits , same with rabbits on the high country hardly see young until late march at times april

they were just along the road from you this morning fluff lol . Flying , but bucked up
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This shooting season when i was in the beating line i found a leveret that would have sat on my hand no problem and have been seeing half grown leverets all winter,they've been paired up for weeks if not months round me and i've seen hundreds of the bloody dog walk ruining bloody things lately :laugh: ..

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If you are taking a hare for the pot here and there i don't see a problem, I am not going to deny a man a feed, if you are taking numbers of leverets I believe that is a crime and worse if you don't eat them but as if they would make laws to protect hares...

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  On 01/02/2016 at 07:02, Silversnake said:

If you are taking a hare for the pot here and there i don't see a problem, I am not going to deny a man a feed, if you are taking numbers of leverets I believe that is a crime and worse if you don't eat them but as if they would make laws to protect hares...

I would fully agree with that mate..
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  On 31/01/2016 at 15:00, as88 said:


  On 31/01/2016 at 14:42, tb25 said:

I would of sent the dog in after a shot it..I don't see anoth to think about it being unsporting ..lol


You would see none if we all had that same attitude
None is exactly what i see in places that used to hold good numbers of hares, the result of over lamping, and shooting, it's a sorry sight without the hares
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