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Finally The End Of The Defender

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They're the things that make them so good, I'd love my cold uncomfortable fuel guzzler back    

Some call it "unreliability" I call it character

Like the Australian s said.if you want to drive into the outback take s land rover ,if you want to come back take a toyota

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thats the best bit of news ive heard, they were the biggest pile of shit ive ever driven, you would have thought after 50 odd years of making them they could of got right, but no, they still continued to make more shit, there over rated, over priced and hideous to drive, god knows how they kept there prestigious status, i had to move a customers 54 reg defender out the way once and it was the most uncomfortable, hideous, cramped thing i have ever been in, ive worked for people who were stupid enough to buy a new one and the amount of trouble they have had is so unreal its not even funny, one was a brand new defender crew cab which had the foot wells fill with water, another was a brand new range rover evogue, gear box went after 13,000 miles, the list goes on, when people say there the best off roader, and the best towing 4x4, what about the other 75% of driving your doing in discomfort, i had a 1993 toyota surf 3.0td for years that knocks spots of a poxy land rover in every way, and as for towing get a toyota landcruiser, no 4x4 vehicle will tow as good as the cruiser, you need your head tested to have a land rover.

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Seen the price of a low mileage Amazon , by low I'm talking 100k , something around 94 //95 ...4.2 manual , 3 diff locks etc ...hard pressed to get one for £7k ...I looked at one recently , one owner, 1994 ( N plate ) 70k miles , full history , manual clean as a whistle £12500 and he wouldn't take a bid ..21years old about says it all ..

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What other vehicles would you reccomend for dragging 2 1/2 tonne round bad tracks?

I got a 26 yr old fourtrak,pull a house down,every single thing works on it,and don't need to carry around a f***ing tool chest lol,just had 17 k compo after nasty car crash and I wont be upgrading,certainly not to a landrover,enjoy pissing past them silly f***ing green laners when they broke dwn,I watched lads pump untold in to thier landys only to write the fuckers off next time out,they more a fashion statement like the clowns on the vw scene imo,I laugh at them fools with the air cooled engines getting towed to the shows when I clutch past them in my scooby powered bus lol,jap power all the way for me,but each to thier own.atb dc
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Seen the price of a low mileage Amazon , by low I'm talking 100k , something around 94 //95 ...4.2 manual , 3 diff locks etc ...hard pressed to get one for £7k ...I looked at one recently , one owner, 1994 ( N plate ) 70k miles , full history , manual clean as a whistle £12500 and he wouldn't take a bid ..21years old about says it all ..

my dads got the toyota landcruiser vx 4.2td, top of the range,excellent comfort on the road and excellent off road, its a 1994 and done 130,000 miles, hes had it now for about 16 years now i think, they normally do between 250-300,000 miles before they need anything done to the engine, he new another guy that had one and his had to have a little bit done to the engine at 275,000 and its at over 500,000 miles now and it was still towing and going strong the last time he heard, they were such a good motor, made to last, and totally reliable, thats why they use them in the deserts and out backs, you wouldn't get a landrover to do the same, not even get close to it, and another thing is when my dad starts it up its so quite for a diesel, but when someone starts a landrover you need ear muffs on, they clatter like the shit they are,

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What other vehicles would you reccomend for dragging 2 1/2 tonne round bad tracks?

I got a 26 yr old fourtrak,pull a house down,every single thing works on it,and don't need to carry around a f***ing tool chest lol,just had 17 k compo after nasty car crash and I wont be upgrading,certainly not to a landrover,enjoy pissing past them silly f***ing green laners when they broke dwn,I watched lads pump untold in to thier landys only to write the fuckers off next time out,they more a fashion statement like the clowns on the vw scene imo,I laugh at them fools with the air cooled engines getting towed to the shows when I clutch past them in my scooby powered bus lol,jap power all the way for me,but each to thier own.atb dc


they are very good motors, strong as an ox, :thumbs:

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This is one of my brothers , he off roads this one a lot , it's just got back from the Maroc challenge .This one has 297000m on the same engine , don't drip oil , every thing works . It's had major body work after he rolled it during the Maroc two years ago ..post-81636-0-53387800-1454391888_thumb.jpegpost-81636-0-27325700-1454391865_thumb.jpeg


Apologies for turning a Landrover thread into a Landcruiser one ..post-81636-0-27325700-1454391865_thumb.jpeg

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You can't take it away from the yellow men in pajamas,they make quality vehicles imo,wife drives type 1 forrester sti (we have had a few,lump fits the old vw's and they never breakdown just keep going and a lot faster than f***ing 50 mph)I've had daihatsu,misubishi and mates swear by the hi lux,landcruiser-why the f**k would you want a Ford transit powered landrover is beyond me,I could pay off the morgage with the money they want for one of them.atb dc

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