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Finally The End Of The Defender

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They're the things that make them so good, I'd love my cold uncomfortable fuel guzzler back    

Some call it "unreliability" I call it character

Like the Australian s said.if you want to drive into the outback take s land rover ,if you want to come back take a toyota

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It won't be the last, they will probably replace it with something baring the same name but different quality and I'd imagine we would see a handful made in 10 or 50 years as anniversary models, I think vw done similar with the camper?


this the new one......



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It won't be the last, they will probably replace it with something baring the same name but different quality and I'd imagine we would see a handful made in 10 or 50 years as anniversary models, I think vw done similar with the camper?


this the new one......



They look f***ing wank...

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It won't be the last, they will probably replace it with something baring the same name but different quality and I'd imagine we would see a handful made in 10 or 50 years as anniversary models, I think vw done similar with the camper?

this the new one......



They look f***ing wank...



That is one ugly fecking car :no:

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God awful things. I've spent the last 20 of my working life driving around in a Defender. No wonder i've a bad back and walk around like the Hunchback of Notre Dame and have a permanently tanned right arm.


But, it's a shame another British thing has been made redundant through being part of the EU.

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They become addictive I don't know what wastes more money, old landies or the bookies

On the basis they are both gambling ....you have in fact more chance of a result on the horses , every Landrover I've ever had (7 ) were a pile of shite ...cold , uncomfortable, slow , unreliable fuel guzzlers ..and they were the best bits .Thankfully I was cured of the addiction when I got a Toyota ...

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They become addictive I don't know what wastes more money, old landies or the bookies

On the basis they are both gambling ....you have in fact more chance of a result on the horses , every Landrover I've ever had (7 ) were a pile of shite ...cold , uncomfortable, slow , unreliable fuel guzzlers ..and they were the best bits .Thankfully I was cured of the addiction when I got a Toyota ...

They're the things that make them so good, I'd love my cold uncomfortable fuel guzzler back




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