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Air Ambulance

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Hi I was just wondering if we as a group could start up a collection for the air ambulance services around the country, with all of us out about in the countryside sometimes in remote places I thought that it would be a good idea as you never know when we will need them hopefuly never, After all they do a good job.

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its a good cause and is all run by donations. my grandad passed away over christmas and was an ambulance driver for years. the money that was collected was handed to the air ambulance. he would have b

I'm on it mate, we're going to have an auction.

Maybe Andy Kelly would like to make a donation.

its a good cause and is all run by donations. my grandad passed away over christmas and was an ambulance driver for years. the money that was collected was handed to the air ambulance. he would have being very happy with that.

good cause for sure.




if what's being said on that fella who said he was attacked while ferreting, if whats come to light is true, . all the money that people kindly sent to him, he should do the right thing and donate it to the air ambulance. im sure people who gifted him the money would be happy with that. i know i would.

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I didnt start this thread because of another thread, I started it as I have been asked if I would do a swim for kent air ambulance and just thought that all air ambulance services could do with the money.


Thank you nelson for sorting the auction out, Is there anyway that we could a collection for all the air ambulance services aswell.

they do a good job and hope we will never need them or the RNLI.

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  On 29/01/2016 at 12:04, mad4it said:

I didnt start this thread because of another thread, I started it as I have been asked if I would do a swim for kent air ambulance and just thought that all air ambulance services could do with the money.


Thank you nelson for sorting the auction out, Is there anyway that we could a collection for all the air ambulance services aswell.

they do a good job and hope we will never need them or the RNLI.

How about we make this an annual auction??? I dont mind running it every year. This year we can donate to Kent and the north air ambulance then rotate it yearly to cover other regions. You could then do your swim for the RNLI. Maybe one of the fishermen could organise a flatty bashing day for the RNLI?? would be a good day out for everyone.

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