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Did Or Does Anyone Make A Living Out Of Work There Lurchers

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Back in the day,... Yes,..combined with the GIRO, plus utilising other, bits and pieces of naughtiness,..yes, you could definitely get by,..and I do mean, get by,..with the aid of a good lurcher...

Some nights we did more than one thing,,,start early on the fish,,then bag some bunnies,,,,on this night there was 3 of us,,,so not as much coin earned ....  

Hancock makes a living lol but on the reality of it is you may be able too make a little but unless you live directly in the spot were you can go out and catch 50 head of rabbits a day every day or at

As I'm board thought I see who has or is making a living out of working there lurcher how u go about it.said it really interests me might be a stupid question.atb bob


I suppose really it depends on, 1st enough game, 2nd good buyers , 3rd you need couple of good fit dogs to work say 4-5 days a week day/night every week, and 3rd you have to be fit keen your self to do it every week and every night, if yes to all the above well you could do it., but how many would really want to :yes:

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I know a fella who supports his family off lurcher work supplemented with a bit of beating, odd bit of plucking birds etc.


Not saying he's a millionaire but he gets by.


As said above he's got the land, the game, the dog and he's keen as mustard and knows the job.

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Total BOLLOCKS, don't care how much land etc etc you've got. And, there's a difference between making a few quid and making a proper living

Preban if you had the right buyer and enough venison I'd imagine it not out the question.

Problem being most selling get ripped off with prices,as the buyer knows they can

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I've heard of some shooters getting payed £50 a fox.i can't see it myself but never know.

If it was the case pre ban a few quid could be earned a week.but you would need a few big perms to do it.

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Hancock makes a living lol but on the reality of it is you may be able too make a little but unless you live directly in the spot were you can go out and catch 50 head of rabbits a day every day or at least 2 deer a night your not going too make that much your biggest outlay is fuel and running a car and depending on the price your getting lets say you get a £1.50 a bunny it takes you 5 hours too catch 50 then another 2 hours too gut and skin and a hour for transporting let's say driving home we'll there's an 8 hour day so you've made £75 so your making about 9 quid an hour take of fuel maybe 60 quid a day take home then tyres and general f**k ups will cost you more and all that is actually relying on you catching 50 and getting a good price it can be done if you live smack bang in the middle of your permission and have lots of game but when ever I've hit hard times I've done it but you never make them figures cos in this area the avg bag is about 10/30 bunnys a night its enuf to keep you afloat and not starve too death but not enuf too keep a house and a car and a family in cloths the only other thing you've got is it won't last long cos the seasons only 4 month at best and the stock numbers die faster then anything so ur numbers drop quick meaning you have too go further a field wich ends up costing more in answer yes you can but not too expect too make as much as what you would be making minimum wage and you've got too take of injuries too the dog and cost vet cost food cost it all adds up too not making very much money at all so your better off Hunting cos you like doing it cos there ain't no money too be made

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I dare say many have tried and failed, walking the windy land night after night in winter trying to catch enough game to make ends meet would soon take it's toll, the only way to make a living that includes working a lurcher is if you are being paid as a pest controller, rather than from trying to sell your moody catch, though if you are being paid to clear rabbits etc, and have willing buyers then you could be looking at a far rosier existence

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Back in the day,... :laugh:

Yes,..combined with the GIRO, plus utilising other, bits and pieces of naughtiness,..yes, you could definitely get by,..and I do mean, get by,..with the aid of a good lurcher.... :yes:

However,..it was a dangerous game to play,..and sooner or later, you will lose....


As for today,...if you are a self employed rabbit controller,...working either on a contract price or for daily wages,...well,..a top class 100% marking/catching rabbit dog is priceless and alongside the ferrets,..it will earn you a lot of vonga.. Fact... :thumbs:


However, the concept of a mysterious, canny moucher, creeping about taking game by the vanload,..without getting a pull,..is not a realistic proposition....To kill game in quantity, you need a constant supply of fresh ground,...or sooner , rather than later, the well will run dry :yes:

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