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The Non Working Lurcher

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  On 28/01/2016 at 05:38, Bosun11 said:

More lurchers get passed from pillar to post than any other dog. Dogs homes are choc-full of em.


Every other dog walked round here is a lurcher,usually overweight and stuck in a pissing harness (they should be banned!) the owner with no control, the dog with no chance of ever getting off that lead and doing what it was bred for.


To me its always a very sad sight. I just wish people would think before they breed...!!

I think there should be some sort of law against breeding dogs. This way these dog shelters wouldn't be so full. At the end of the day they are business making money out of it, it's a shame really.
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The saddest dogs I've seen have been rescued lurchers stuck on harnesses, and sometimes muzzled as well. When I ask why, they say it is to stop them killing rabbits. Almost without exception round her

I have taken on two rescue lurchers after spending some time fostering pound dogs for a rescue and I really wish there were no lurchers around that need to be rescued. I am too old and decrepit to wo

Trouble is you can buy chipping kits of the internet so the Scummies will just do themselves & whatever details they want??!! Two of my pups went to pet homes & i had no worries bout it. They

I met an old dear last year with a rescue saluki cross that she rescued from a local site she said she had it a few years and fed it on chicken fillets and biscuits the dog was in top nick not an ounce of fat and looked fit as fook and looked looked happy running along the canal after rabbits

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  On 28/01/2016 at 12:18, Somewhereyournot said:

Nothing to do with the people who rescue or the shelters, it's all to do with the peddling fuckers, or the idiots that ain't got first clue of bringing a dog on in right way, they are to blame as they are all too quick to get rid when they don't suit

good point that :thumbs: ,they don't give any lurcher time to mature , a 15 month old its a lot different to a 3 year old, at 3 they know the crack what ever the quarry is a lot of dogs arnt given enough time at this game :yes:

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I have taken on two rescue lurchers after spending some time fostering pound dogs for a rescue and I really wish there were no lurchers around that need to be rescued. I am too old and decrepit to work the dogs so I spend a hell of a lot of time trying to keep them happy! And I believe they are. They are fit and very switched on, they race each other like loons, play hard and are very civilised around the house. The main problems do not come from the dogs' instinct but from the crap starts they have had. They were not socialised (one was a fear biter when I got her and had already bitten four people that I knew of) and they had had no training whatsoever. No lead training, no stock breaking, no self control, no stays or emergency stops. What idiots think they can work dogs like that? The other problem of course is the law which makes me a criminal if one of them catches anything, so yes they get muzzled if there is any chance we might bump into a deer (rabbits can take their chances!) as I can only stop them if I see the deer before they do.


Rant over. Sorry guys, not all rescuers are clueless half-wits but I admit it is tricky finding suitable homes for cast-off lurchers.

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  On 28/01/2016 at 12:00, lurchers said:

This country should do what germany does,if it doesnt work to a good degree you cant breed from it there would be alot pts without a dout.


So you'd have to show your hare or fox dog working to someone from the council to make sure they are satisfied it can do the job?

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these dogs are bred to run and hunt ,that's what they live for . even if you don't hunt with it let it run ffs ... nothing better than seeing sight hounds running IMO ..poetry in motion .... since i've had my 7/8whippet x1/8 collie .noticed quite a lot of other whippets about the village and they are always on the lead and are not working dogs .. to be fair though all the ones i've seen have been in cracking nick so they are looked after well ... but every time i see them i just want the owners to let them have a run my dogs ... but the owners always say if i let him or her off the lead i won't see it again ... such a shame ...

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If people don't want to see pet lurcher the answer is simple.


Crack down on our fellow owners who seem to think nothing of passing on a dog at anything short of 3 years old because it didn't live up to their expectations.


Hell, I've got a lab lying on the sofa next to me, fantastic pedigree but unfortunately his elbows are screwed and he had both operated on at 12 months old. He is nearly 7 now and I can't even take him for a 2 or 3 walk because he will limp for 2 or 3 days after. Luckily, through good meal management and a couple of dozen quick blasts on the field each day he has a very happy life as a pet despite his arrival here being for the sole purpose of being a working dog. He hasn't worked a day in his life and is usually found lying full stretch on a sofa, belly in the air waiting for someone to give him a fuss. My spaniel (now nearly 13) became untrainable after she went missing at 9 months old. When she came back after 5 days living wild she was paranoid about going more than 10 yards from me she would no longer retrieve a thrown dummy - she never got to retrieve her first shot bunny despite how well she was training and how high her prey drive still is (she's now got a thing for mice and would crawl over broken glass to dig a nest!)


Both of these dogs, through no fault of their own have not met their intended purpose but I'm not like some of the sociopaths on here and out in the wider world who simply don't get attached to their dogs and will sell them like they are a material item like an unused push bike.


Keep your dogs and make the best out of them and keep the damn things out of the rescues and we won't see the harnesses, muzzles and slightly porky lurchers wandering the streets behind owners who actually care enough about them to look after them and give them a home despite their shortcomings!

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  On 28/01/2016 at 16:24, trenchfoot said:

Aye, them rescue lurchers are all fat feckers and never get a chance to do their job.




Trenchy, them dogs are a fecking disgrace and you want reporting for neglect. Get them out fella an let them do a bit...!!



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