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Spring Or Pcp

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something you will do is bang drop and bash your gun . I cant imagine any one here has not done that at some time more so at the start of there shooting careers , a spring gun lends its self to being bashed a bit because it is a more solid build gun . It has to be to handle the expanding spring when shot .

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  On 27/01/2016 at 01:00, Rez said:

So to surmise on pianomans post...


Get a f***ing spring rifle...





Tooo basic young Rez. You have to explain why a springer is best.


YOU already know the answer you experienced devil don't you..............Laddie! :thumbs:

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The original question, which is best for a beginner, spring or pcp ?

I have to agree with the majority, - a springer :yes: .

I use my springer pretty well as much as my pcp these days and i soundly believe i would not be as decent a shot if not for springers .


Buy a springer for your first rifle - that`s a "must do" mate.




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A complete beginner has plenty of pit falls to come up against that springers tend to help with- it's very hard to double load a pellet, no need for charging or chance of getting dirt stuck in the charging port, no frustration of learning a pcp's powercurve or getting a pellet stuck in the barrel when the pressure is low, just plug and play single shot.

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It does get annoying those earlier months where you just cant get those groups as tight as you want, and your so like, wtf am I doing wrong, the chaps on YouTube can do it, and then, unexpectedly, your begin not really to care, your just shooting for fun, as naturally as never have before. You begin not to focus anything and just hold the rifle, squeeze the trigger, follow through, and take another shot, repeat, as you know the groups gonna be everywhere and there must be something wrong with the rifle... :)


You check your target... and f**k me, its a one whole group @ 30 yards.


Buzzin', you attempt it again, only to fail. Your trying to hard, focusing on various techniques, trying different things, damn sure your doing the same thing as last time. And. So. The process starts again. The next time though, the process is a touch shorter... and then a touch shorter, and again... until its just second nature. 20'ish years in and Im still learning. What an art form the art of springer shooting, properly, is. The accuracy potential is far greater than any PCP, I think, as your doing the shooting, its up to you... not the rifle.


I know my 97 will one hole group out to 50 yards all day long, its just that I cant.


So to answer... get the spring rifle, and begin the constant journey for perfection :D

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  On 25/01/2016 at 10:09, charlie caller said:

Totally agree with the above post, would just like to add Walther lgv/lgu to the names list, the lgv is in my opinion the best spring rifle on the market.

Having just bought an LGV .22 I find I have to agree with you Charlie, but it might be too refined for the person looking to get a starter springer,== too smooth , too quiet, and too easy to shoot accurately. I think it is my easiest gun to shoot well..

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if you get a spring gun it is important you fit the scope in the correct position and make sure it dose not move when the gun is shot .The way a spring gun has to be held when shot is very important , if you hold the gun in an unnatural position consistency of shot will be a problem . the recoil of spring gun can effect the scope ,so it must be fitted well . Also a strong scope is better than a big weak cheap one .

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Nothing i can add to this as Simon and REZ have answer,d this to perfection


Apart from




If you do get a spring rifle and you learn how to shoot it it will become an obsession to master it and every thing the lads have told you will click into place


Shooting a pcp becomes at times boring you could just about shoot it with your eyes shut there that accurate


no skill required.


But a springer well thats another story


when you hold it in your hands the way she feels


and when you squeeze the trigger that nudge in your shoulder as she slides through your hand and you hit the target




But one thing i will say


at first its like having a pit bull thats out of control YOU have to MASTER it bring it in to control


show it that your the boss make it heal when you want it to


To obey you


But every now and again it will bite back just to let you know that its still the boss


Practice , practice, practice. then when you think you have it in control practice some more


Spring shooter all way strive to get that bit more out of there rifles whether its a tune and polish or to better there way of shooting the rifle but we all do the same thing practice every now and again .


now may be im one of the lucky ones as when i started there was no pcp rifles about and i had to learn how to shoot a springer as thats all there was back in the days ,


Having a air sporter was like having a hw now ,


so the lads are right learn how to shoot a spring rifle first and it will go a long way to helping you shoot a pcp


and only then will you become a true MARKSMAN


and can hold your head up high and be proud of your self as to what you have achieved


And as for REZ ,,, well ,,,i can remember the days when he could not hit a barn door if he threw the rifle at it lol


He is one of the BEST now even better than Me :whistling:


WELL MAY BE NOT lol :D:tongue2:


My vote is for a spring rifle end of


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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