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Just landed in the UK

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Hi all,


just arrived in the UK and will stay for approx. two years


Am a German hunter and of cousre don't want to rest behind he fireplace

during my stay on this beautiful island...


So let me ask some questions:


- General, to understand 'the system': Who is eligible to hunt on which grounds in the UK?

- means: Do I have to be UK citizen, Do I have to 'book' like the rich guys, (which I am definitely not...)

- What do I have to do to bring my rifles with me? (Who do I have to announce this?) or will I be shot on the airport ;-)

- As I got the most experience in Germany on hunting boars; are there preferred areas for these little fellas? (Am located in Essex)


Thank you for every hint!




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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:icon_eek: Or, to put it another way; They'll shoot ye at the airport! :laugh:


Julius; Ye'll have a bugger of a job finding anywhere to fire such rifles in uk, mate. Without ye pay big money, like the rich boys.


Basicly, unlike the European Continent and USA, england has No 'Public' shooting / hunting areas. But, as Rolfe indicates; The Firearms Officer for the area of Essex you're heading for will explain all the bad news to ye.

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Hello Julius, click the links mate and they might be able to help you, they will also give you the legal explanation about your rifles.


Briefly, a person in the UK must have a place to use firearms before a license is granted though. I don't know if this applies to firearms from Europe though.


With regard to going out hunting in any form, it is best to get to know people in the area and make contacts. Perhaps these organisation's can help.






For Frikadelle and Bratwurst, go to Lidl mate, they are not too bad. :)

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