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Hatching After Due Date

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quick question to the knowledgeable "again" ! had a bird go broody a while back unexpectedly ,the eggs were of unknown age when we moved the hen to a broody coup ,anyway they have started hatching yesterday afternoon ( day 22) one chick was dead outside the nest just now and there are 3 hatched under her and one chipping, non of the eggs were candled so ive no idea on fertility as some of the eggs could have been laid a while before they were started to be brooded, how long should i leave her brooding the remaining eggs before removing them ? is she likely to neglect the chicks over the unhatched eggs ?

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Hi mate,

Eggs may of been layed in the nest at different intervals when she first started brooding, before you moved her, by other hens. So may be staggered.

You could always pop remaining eggs in bator if concerned, but give her time first.

Just a thought.


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they were CM thats the concern , im going to have a look at them later on today "she is tight on them this morning ,my thoughts are that given the first hatched friday on day 22, anything now probably wont be much use ,i will candle them later on . better a bird in the hand and all that , if she has 3 or 4 to rear given how it happend its all a bonus .ill let you know later

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