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Webley Patriot: .25 Shooting @ 35 Yds

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I've always fancied a FAC springer! While applying for my .22lr I added .25 air and purchased a Webley Patriot in .25 cal. The open sights seemed to cover the target @ 35 yards so I was unable to zero to an acceptable degree for rabbit shooting. After fitting a scope there wasn't much improvement, 3" groups at best. I did put the Patriot up for sale, but after not selling decided to have another go! With a better and now zoom scope (shooting @ my usual 6 x) I could have another try! Well after trying many different holds and trigger pulls I've come to the conclusion the Webley Patriot is accurate when one takes the time to learn it's shooting style. Firm hold and slow pull on the trigger until the piston is released, to harsh and in comes the 3" groups. Just right and this 30 ft lb .25 is ( with practice!) good for rabbit out to 50 yards!


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Another point is the Patriot has a muzzle report of 96db. I started without ear protection but after testing the db use my `Shooters Aid Sonic 2 Hearing Protection Ear Plugs` http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/370602924475?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT It was not until their use the volume of the`crack` became apparent!

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If no one else finds this post interesting, I sure do. Reminds me of my childhood the old weblehhhhh :)


I'd love to have a day with one on my targets. Can't imagine the shooting experience.

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  On 23/01/2016 at 23:58, Rez said:

If no one else finds this post interesting, I sure do. Reminds me of my childhood the old weblehhhhh :)


I'd love to have a day with one on my targets. Can't imagine the shooting experience.


Its was the whole `shoots like a pig` that got me, I just had to give it a try! Even though loads of forum sites say the Patriot needs a learning curve, it still gets pick up, shot a couple of times and dismissed as a novelty rather than a serious hunting tool. I think it has more of a following in the US. I guess this is in part due to our strict FAC rules and `why buy when you can have .22lr`. It is hard to cock after 20 or so shots, but I don't intend (I don't think it ever was) to spend hours plinking!

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  On 24/01/2016 at 11:02, jonnie bravo said:

Good post, always wanted to see results from an FAC springer! The group looks good, how big a coin size would you say it is?

If I ever have more money than sense I would love to get one of the big Diana springers.

The 'blue' 5 score is 25mm. The groups are getting better all the time.

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Practice makes perfect ! especially with a beast of an air rifle like the Patriot. Really love that .25 :victory: Quite popular over here, them Patriots (Original UK made that is, not the Turkey's crap now coming out ;) ) we don't have a restriction on the power output of these rifles, so the more the merrier, some say... I think there should be good balance between power and accuracy, otherwise all that power is of no use.

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Had a couple of fac air rifles had a fx2000 at 24ftlb which was a cracking rifle had loads of rabbits with that and a fac rapid at 36ftlb did have it above 40ftlb but seemed better at 36

I fancy another but which one lol

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I had a go last year with a Theoben eliminator, gas ram, I have to say I was well impressed with it, first few shots and I was blatting bottle tops at 40 odd yards, I nearly bought it, it was stunning, and I could have had it for next to nowt, but in the end I could not be arsed with the hassle of putting it on my ticket.

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