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Saluki X Weird Trait Appeared

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right people got a coursing bred bitch she 6 now has done well for me over the years on edible put some decent numbers away day and night. never stalked or any of them anouying things. great manners when out. shes always took squatters when the chance has arrived untill last few nights she changed just out the blue. shes took 100's of squatters in her years but now she will fly down the beam slow up and stamp her feet to raise the quarry. she started it two sessions ago and same again last night. every squatter she did it on. im not worried yet as she putting them to bed but do you guys think this is the start to the end so to speak???? anyone one else have this and did it progress into anything else. she is a fantastic runner but by dam cant figour out why shes started it? never came across it before?

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Maybe she's using her brains. Maybe a few squatters have bolted just before a strike so she is now trying to put the odds in her favour by disturbing the squatter so she knows which way it's going to run?

I had a collie cross that used to hop from one front leg to another just before she stuck squatters. Maybe it was the same tactic in a different form?

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Maybe she's using her brains. Maybe a few squatters have bolted just before a strike so she is now trying to put the odds in her favour by disturbing the squatter so she knows which way it's going to run?

I had a collie cross that used to hop from one front leg to another just before she stuck squatters. Maybe it was the same tactic in a different form?

:thumbs: , well she not just point+slip dog then lol, sounds like she using her brain a bit, dogs are strange aint they, now ive supposed to have a dog with good brain Buck 1 x gsdx grey, but he as mad down the beam as what my bullxs were. he hit squatters that fast he goes arse over tit, and that hell of a sight seeing a 85lb dog do that :huh:

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Maybe she's using her brains. Maybe a few squatters have bolted just before a strike so she is now trying to put the odds in her favour by disturbing the squatter so she knows which way it's going to run?

I had a collie cross that used to hop from one front leg to another just before she stuck squatters. Maybe it was the same tactic in a different form?

yeah could be. i might just be reading to much into it to many beers and to much time on my hands tonight lol but odd for there be no build up. she nailed a good few squatter the night before she started it. just hope it doesnt progress as due to a loss she my last real runner here at mo and wanted her to bring on the sapling. fingers crossed it wont progress to anything else.
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Maybe she's using her brains. Maybe a few squatters have bolted just before a strike so she is now trying to put the odds in her favour by disturbing the squatter so she knows which way it's going to run?

I had a collie cross that used to hop from one front leg to another just before she stuck squatters. Maybe it was the same tactic in a different form?

:thumbs: , well she not just point+slip dog then lol, sounds like she using her brain a bit, dogs are strange aint they, now ive supposed to have a dog with good brain Buck 1 x gsdx grey, but he as mad down the beam as what my bullxs were. he hit squatters that fast he goes arse over tit, and that hell of a sight seeing a 85lb dog do that :huh:
reminds me of my bitch before this lol
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Mine also bounces from side to side when he gets close trying to preempt which way its going to go. Though the other night one didn't budge and he picked it straight after a bit of dancing lol. Strange after this amount of time though its changed tact. Just shows they never stop learning

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It's called the sand dance and very common in the Arabian blooded dogs ... The only way to cure it is to make sure the dog never heard music again ... My mates dog had this and he kept letting it hear music ... Within a month the dog was moonwalking around the fields .......

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Myself I like to see a dog slow up a BIT when trying to take squatters , nothing worse than flat out at them, yeah it looks good when they connect but miss it and can be made to look silly, like said she's using her brain a bit ,

she got a cracking catch to run ratio shes electric on rabbits yet ran cleaver on the hare very up and at them to a degree but boxy type. i could understand her using her brain if it was helping catch rate. bloody salukis just when you think you got them figured they throw you another curve ball
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Why are you thinking it's the begining of the end for her?,i had a bitch years ago would do the same and she never took a squatter out of it's seat.Everyone was made to jump because she'd hit them with both her front paws and then chase and not everyone was caught but i didn't care as i was there for sport and the bitch i have now hits anything full on and sure ain't shy of anything she's met in the field but she pulls up on squatters and also jumps them rather than just picks them up.I just live with it and it's the way she works as every dog is different :thumbs: ....

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This reminds me of bobzas saluki lurcher, last season he was boxing them when he could have brought the run to a stop, this dog is a real running machine, even when just out for a walk he'll run all over, and take the other younger dogs on a tour of the land, he's been worked very hard, and has a serious catch rate, funny thing is he was six at the time aswell, i put it down to the dogs love of running

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This reminds me of bobzas saluki lurcher, last season he was boxing them when he could have brought the run to a stop, this dog is a real running machine, even when just out for a walk he'll run all over, and take the other younger dogs on a tour of the land, he's been worked very hard, and has a serious catch rate, funny thing is he was six at the time aswell, i put it down to the dogs love of running

That's something that's been at me for a while, the fact that the chase /tuning into the prey animal seems to be the overriding element in some dogs enjoyment of the hunt , the dog, a bit like the way a sheepdog can be in the zone without needing to strike,

I'm not saying the dog will refrain from striking but for some the chase can give them the greatest emotional feedback , tuning in and alining with its prey,

Best of luck with her

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