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A Couple Interesting Minkenry Stories.

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I just thought I would share a couple stories that I thought you guys would find funny/interesting.



So the first story happened yesterday when we were muskrat hunting. I was hunting along a small stream with a friend, and I asked my friend to keep an eye on my mink Rio while I walked up stream to check some other muskrat dens to see if they looked very promising. So I left him to watch the hole Rio was in, and I walked a little ways up the stream. When Rio came back out of the hole she was down, she looked around and noticed I was gone. She then promptly put her nose to the ground, and began following my trail up stream, until she found me! I found it very interesting that she was even concerned about where I was, let alone the fact that she went through the effort to follow my trail to find me!



The next story happened the end of last week. I got a call from a guy who was renting a house out, and the house had a rat in it. He had been trying for MONTHS to get rid of the rat! He had tried everything! Poisons, glue traps, snap traps, he even hired an exterminator, but nothing worked! So while searching the internet for a solution, he discovered me on YouTube and after watching a few videos he realized I was local to him, so he sent me a message asking for help. So I went to the house with my mink Rio, and he tells me that the people renting his house are on vacation. So he lets me in and we start looking around the house for rat sign. There were a bunch of rat sized holes in the walls, where the rat had burrowed through the dry wall, so as to have an easy path from room to room. After a few moments of inspecting the damage, I released Rio. She wandered around the house sniffing, and ended up in the bedroom area. I had a flash light with me, so I didn't bother to turn the lights on as I went. When Rio got to the bed room, she first crawled around under the bed, but then she climbed up the sheets until she was actually on the bed. As I followed her in my flashlight beam I noticed that Rio was walking in a big bunch of hair! I followed that long hair to a face and realized that the renter was actually home and asleep in her bed!!!!!!!!!! I quickly grabbed Rio out of her hair, and hurried out of the room. I went and found the home owner, and told him that the person renting his house must actually be home, because there was a lady sleeping in the bedroom!!!! He was shocked and said, "REALLY?!?!? I thought she was on vacation!!!! I called her and texted her, and knocked on the door before I opened it, an no one answered!!! What did she say to you?!?!?" I told him that she didn't say anything, and that I thought she was probably still asleep. He then quickly walked to her bedroom door and knocked, calling out her name. The lady woke up, and he explained what we were doing. She explained that she had lost her phone while on vacation, and had to come home a different time than she originally planned, because of some health issues she experienced while traveling. Could you imagine if she had woken up with a mink in here hair, with a stranger standing over her bed with a flashlight!!!!!!!!!!!!


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