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Guest Fell & Moorland WTC SW area

I would 'give it best' and move on to a better spot. Not even several brace of Foxes is worth losing a Dog for. You could have a Dog that will only stay an Hour or so, but if it gets stuck you have a Dog that will stay until you get to it!

If it was some kind of drain, block it off and come back with Drain Rods. A lot of Farmers have them. Stuff the skewer type end full of Straw and push the Facker out. Put it somewhere where it is more comfortable..... :whistle:


The Hunt put one in last Season in a rocky place, marking really strong. I got there had a look and said NO. The hole went under a huge Boulder and that was surrounded by Rocks of at least 2 tonne in weight. Some thought whimp, wenker etc. I knew my Dog was safer in its Box. This Year they have just done the same thing. One of the other "my Dog will work anywhere" Terriemen put his Dog in, more than 8 Hours later they got the Dog out MINUS the Fox, that had pushed on further. It took around fifteen people and the Hunt had no Terriers available for the 'easier' Earths. Funnily enough he was being called a wenker this Season......lmfao.


Don't get carried away with the situation. Even if it has been a while since your Dog has seen anything, don't risk him is my phylosophy.

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:11:  :11:  :11: ......... Just wonders mate........!!!!!....... :11:

good answer... :clapper::D

but seriously, for someone hunting in very urban areas and for those halping out with the hounds , bolting foxes before earth stoppping in those reall BIG places, a 5 mins wonder can be very handy.... i used to have one myself and got many, many foxes with her...not only that, she ran all the earths i found so i knew the depths and where they ran....... a dog for a job :good:

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