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Sending Dog On

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After sitting dog in field I am trying to send the dog on without verbal command , what hand action should I do, I struggle to get visual attention although she waits for verbal command, hence the hand action needed to be introduced

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Have you got all your other problems sorted 100% first?

getting a lot better, just think if I can gain her attention more her focus on me will improve, when she stops I want her to look at me for a command but how do you send on with a hand command when she's looking elsewhere and what command is best
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When it's sitting getting it going again is what I mean, sitting is basic training I thought? So when pup is sat what command do I give to release it from sitting or do you leave it in sitting position until it moves on itself?

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I wouldn't personally use just a hand signal to release a dog but combine it with a voice command, seems you lining yourself up for a fall in the future if you imagine what happens on a shoot, let alone what would happen if or when you get a second dog to work at the same time.

Edited by Paulnix
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  • 2 weeks later...

If you are training your pup she should sit, and remain sat until you release her. Depending on the age, or where you are up to it should only be a short time before you praise, make a fuss and release. As she gets older most of you're additional commands are going to be directed at the dog in a sit, so you should be mastering the sit with focus from her. It is unclear if you are asking about hand signals for the dog, but it would appear that you are not at that stage yet.

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