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pup keeps getting attaked

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thanks for the advise,like some of you say it is the stupid o;d fookers fault he leavves the dog their,i can assure you having a word with him will make no diffrence what so ever the dog has been like that for the past 8 or 10 years so im told and even threatening to stamp on it he dont care,probaly the easiest thing to do would be just walk another way even thoe i hate having to do this but i dont want the pup become bad a socialising its took me ages to get it use to other dogs as it is


i applaud your flexibility and all, but I think you are making a mountain out of a moll hill here. just bring a stick to prevent you getting too close to the canine bully and hence possibly bit. When the "evil" dog goes on the attack and starts to charge you verbally warn it and raise the stick, chances are the dog will head for home before you are forced to defend your dog and yourself. Worst case, you will have to give it a couple of whacks to get the point across (do not hit it too hard, its only a Terrier remember, not a Tiger). From then on, you will most likely not have any problems with that dog at all and if it ever has any ideas, a firm verbal warning will be all that's needed to keep that Terrier on the porch where he "belongs".


Just so we are clear here, i do not physically correct my own dogs under almost any circumstances, instead i prefer more positive training methods. But when I am walking down the street and I am attacked by some loose dog-screw that! If some teenage punks tried to "jump" me for my wallet, I would not just hand over my wallet and politely take the beating because their parents left them unsupervised all day...I would defend myself.


The neighborhoods where my pop lives are so bad when it comes to loose dogs that when I lived there, I had to walk my GAMEBRED PITBULL with a walkingstick just to get around the block without my dog getting "jumped". I am not exaggerating.


Good luck with whatever you decide to do!

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If this dog is terroreising other dogs you are perfectly within your rights to contact the dog warden. I know most people on here are anti establishment, but this is one case where the dog warden can and should do something about the problem.

All they will do is have a word with the dog's owner: sometimes that is all it takes to teach the owner the error of their ways. This way you need have no direct involvement with the dog's owner. If that doesn't work then may be you could borrow a taser?!! :tongue2:

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One doesn't need a tazer...to fend of nasty little dogs I would carry one of those electonic fly zappers...just touch the nose...it will never kill or damage but it might be an effective deterent for sure. Put your own nose to it to try it if you don't beleive it...



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SkyCat has hit the Nail on the head. I work closley with the dog warden in a council in the South of England and she regularly has to deal with Twats who let their dog stray (somethimes repetativly), she will kennel them until they are picked up at a cost of £90 realease fee (sounds like getting a car back from the Towwers) quite often the people who let thier dogs stray won't pay up the cash which really says that they don't care about the dog, if this is so then the dog is eventully rehomed which in my humble opinion is the right thing as if you care about the dog you will find the cash to get it released (I know I would, and I'd be happy to as if my dog was straying my paramount interest is to get him back safe and sound) ; I can't see the chap carrying on letting his dog stray after costing him £90.


I havent heard of a dog being desroyed whilst in her care without it being dangerous or fatally injured and this would be assesed by a vet (sometimes when it has run under a car because it was straying).


I know that the local authorities are an easy target but I'm sure that we all come across people that shouldn't be allowed to keep animals and often the local authorities Animal Welfare Officier is a better port of call than the RSPCA who are Anti hunting.

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You could try the old "Fairy liquid" bottle trick. Fill it with water,put it in your pocket, and when the aggressive terrier comes running in,give him a long squirt in the face. Hopefully this will make him stop (and think?),then shout "bugger off" or something loudly.I have had success with this.

You need to stop it quickly,before your pup loses it's confidence.

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we get issued a 'biteback spray' at work to deter dogs. its a small high pressure aerosol, and it says natural oils, alcohol and propellant in it. its not harmful to animals or humans and smells of peppermint. Ive never used it though so i dont know how effective it is. but if they sell it it must work :blink:


might be worth a try anyway, it sprays a good jet :whistling:

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If this dog is terroreising other dogs you are perfectly within your rights to contact the dog warden. I know most people on here are anti establishment, but this is one case where the dog warden can and should do something about the problem.

All they will do is have a word with the dog's owner: sometimes that is all it takes to teach the owner the error of their ways. This way you need have no direct involvement with the dog's owner. If that doesn't work then may be you could borrow a taser?!! :tongue2:



As always good advice Skycat,what we are all missing at the moment is that if a child was walking a dog past this nusiance ????? what could happen,the other thing is if the pup gets bitten or even fights back it is going to have a complex with other dogs,so when it is taken out in company it will become a nusiance itself.

Lennoard like the fly zapper idea have got one myself from the summer they work well on flies,but I think the the fairy liquid bottle is the best idea will fit in your coat pocket

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Report this dog and owner to the police BUT state you feel it is a threat to kids the way it is able to run

out onto the street and not under control.!

Say how aggressive it is etc,the police cannot ignore this once it has been reported.

They will go and have a word with the owner and i think you will find this dog will not run out anymore.

If this fails hit the owner with a stick :tongue2:

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