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Pups Doing

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I am not into digging and realise that people do things there own way, but I did think to myself if, as has happened in the past I have been gifted a dog by someone I know, or frind of a friend etc. Someone who has gone to the trouble of raising it well and a pup I am happy with, then I just couldn't take it for nothing irelevent of how well I did or didn't know the breeder, its just not how I personally have been brought up. I picked up a 8 week old lurcher pup for a friend down south a while back, this pup was breed by a friend of my uncles, who I or the planned owner had never meet before. There was never any talk of how much the pups would cost, so I just travelled up, having faith in the quality of the pup, as my uncle knew the breeding and dam and sire, on arrival the cracking little pup was duly handed to me and I was wished well and just asked for a few updates from his new owner. But ....I just could not leave without giving the man some money for his effort with raising the litter and I already knew that the mate I was collecting it for, would have felt uncomfortable taking it on for nothing. The man refused the money, as I probably would have done myself, but I insisted and he accepted £50.00 towards feeding costs etc. I know for a fact that the rest of this litter were all gifted away other than the one the breeder kept back. We all do things differently, but I think there is a huge difference between selling a few excess pups after you have got a pup from a litter and those who churn out litters to make some extra cash, the motives for the litter are surely the important thing. Breed for money, blurs the quality of the pups as, is the person breeding really that bothered about the dam and sire used? breed for a pup or a few pups and all of a sudden the dam and sire are paramount and then hopefully the quality of the pups.


I have one rule if a get a new pup in whatever breed, cost is not the most important factor to be fair and I have had pups for next to nothing and others I have paid a fair few bob for, it is the above that is important for me, is the breeder keeping a pup/ pups back? if the answer is no, then no matter on how good they claim the litter and dam and sire to be I wouldn't take a pup. Ideally we would all know the dam and sire inside out but the reality is not everyone has the patience sometimes to wait for the right breeding. I think if everyone had similar thoughts and actions a better quality of working dog would prevail. But the reality is I think many folk get caught up in the names of dogs, the breeding etc and forget this for me the basic principle of breeding for your own line/ dog. just my thoughts and I know some will disagree atb.

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Taz, For me stick to what you got, graft em and do what yr doing. Share em carefully, don't be selfish and stupid like I did. When it started to go wrong I'd cornered myself and stupidly thought

The reason i whuld never sell a pup is once money's been passed over it is no longer your buissness and the man owes you no favours were as if you gift it.. for 1 you have the decision to who it go

Alright taz. Redge The dog I got off you around 3/4 seasons ago has never missed to this day! And he will never let me down to the day he dies, one hell of a dog with the heart of a lion. dug to him y

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Have a good day mate speak to you later on



  On 21/01/2016 at 08:00, taz2010 said:

we will all agree to disagree over certain things thats why we are terrier men,im out today with dogs just about to leave keep it civil while im away ha ha young dog will be tried today wezza ll pm ya later mate

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  On 21/01/2016 at 10:54, fireman said:

What do you class as surpless FD?...

Not that I breed but for me I would want a litter to keep mostly between me and the lads I dig with who I know are 100%, if that was 4 pups needed and there was say 3 left over then I'd then look to gift any to boys that we have weekends digging with a few times per season and get to see the standard they keep. If that took up another 2 and one was left over and it ment having to give to someone I didn't know? That wouldn't happen. But I'm sure we would find space for it then giving us more of a sight into how well the parents were producing through our own eyes

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  On 21/01/2016 at 10:54, fireman said:

What do you class as surpless FD?...

exactly fireman, a quick anecdote about men who can accurately cull surplus and the evils of occasional puppy selling:

about 15 yrs ago i advertised some surplus pups in c/w, one of pups undersized but otherwise fine and frisky, but defo could have been called runty due to size? long story short sold to a young underkeeper from up north for half price, joke being its only half size can i have for half price lol which i agreed. that bitch went on to be a truly superb foxing bitch (called midge), and the underkeeper is now a headkeeper over many thousands of acres in borders, can you guess who helps him out with pest control ??? i still cant decide if it was right to sell an obvious runt lol

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Do you think there would be as much shit about if more lads had access to half tidy stuff? Personally I wouldn't breed if I didn't think I could produce something better than I could buy in but would the clowns still breed shite regardless?


To me it seemed there was better quality dogs about when all the peddlars where rife Nuttal, Gould etc

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  On 19/01/2016 at 19:02, foxdropper said:

Calm down bud and you might get the right post to stick my name too lol.Everything you write about is true but why the need to sell pups .I might be way off but you sold those pups from out th basket which is not supplus stock as you and others try to depict them .I know who you are and know a few who have your dogs so its pointless to spout shit mate .

Your dogs have a good rep mate im not disputing that but why you feel the need to sell is beyond me .Its always been my thing to help others freely but im different i guess .

no different to nuttall, gould who ever else,lots of men payed them coin and did alright,my problem is with folk that happily lie about the breeding and takes big bucks for a terrier that's a cull-people on this site selling patts in Europe for almost 2000 euro wtf? You've admitted yourself to being stung gifting pups?this world where if your in the click you don't pay for dogs is f***ing bullshit imo-if you got coin you can get what you want-bought dogs of the names and these men couldn't tell the truth if bitten on the arse-no f****r starts of with a kennel of super dogs you got to work for it,some of us have been trying for yrs.all I'm after myself is dogs that will stay however long it takes to get to them and last more than a season-other than the exception of 1 bitch I bought in all what I got from the names were shit,dug more with the bin dogs off the estate and a black dog I gave less than a tenner for back in the 90 s that never let me down.makes me laugh how everyone pipes on about being in the click-you will have the best and never pay, then why are these elitists travelling round the uk chasing the buzz looking for the next best thing?I go to shows and see the names,every season their dogs look different to season before? I've seen dogs at a show in crick that wouldn't fit anywhere that we dig-my terriers were smallest there,when folk start licking arse there becomes a market for selling dogs fact.how many of you boys went to nuttall/ gould and were gifted pups?not many I bet so you probably bought a dog or two in?if you can get a them gifted then fair play to you,for the rest of us we pays our money and take the chance.atb dc
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  On 21/01/2016 at 12:59, redcharge said:

Do you think there would be as much shit about if more lads had access to half tidy stuff? Personally I wouldn't breed if I didn't think I could produce something better than I could buy in but would the clowns still breed shite regardless?

To me it seemed there was better quality dogs about when all the peddlars where rife Nuttal, Gould etc

Absolutely IMO, if you and your mate were trying to get some decent racehorses, you had access to the top blood in the country and he didn't , he had to try to reinvent the wheel so to speak, I think it's pretty obvious who would get the best horses ? And quickly.


and therein lies the answer to the conundrum, the lads with the best blood have usually struggled so long to get the stuff (and done so much arse lickin along the way) they simply don't want anyone else to have it, it's no more complicated than that IMO so they withhold it, usually behind all kinds of half baked ideas of being a real terrier man, but in truth because they know that you would have as good dogs as them in very short time, and that's just too much for them to stomach.

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Today, 03:16 PM



and therein lies the answer to the conundrum, the lads with the best blood have usually struggled so long to get the stuff (and done so much arse lickin along the way) they simply don't want anyone else to have it, it's no more complicated than that IMO so they withhold it, usually behind all kinds of half baked ideas of being a real terrier man, but in truth because they know that you would have as good dogs as them in very short time, and that's just too much for them to stomach.


I agree with you Oldandknackered 100%

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When I'm gifted a pup and it makes the grade and I wish to breed it, I'll go back to the lad I got it off. As it's his breeding and he has trusted me to test and extend that line.

But if I buy a pup in I'll do what I like with the dog without worrying about what the breeder wants.


Luckily I very rarely have to worry about it as most are gifted.

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