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  On 19/01/2016 at 18:17, rob284 said:


  On 19/01/2016 at 14:24, Lew said:


  On 19/01/2016 at 12:21, lukey said:

Not being funny but if they are what they being made out to be why not breed more for genuine digging boys who are struggling to get decent blood in there runs? You'd be doing the genuine boys a favour by the sounds of it if this quality blood was more available?

Genuine digging boys don't struggle to get good blood there given them free of charge and kept in the loop. They will always have good terriers in there kennels that's why there genuine good lads.


Buying pups in off Tom dick and Harry is just a continuous circle of crap! Life is to short....

'genuine digging boys dont struggle to get good blood' so anyone without a good dog isnt genuine. Anyone who hasnt been given a dog, or hasnt had a line passed down to them or doesnt know many lads in the game, they arent genuine? I think its great when someone gives the opportunity to share their blood with others, be it gifted or paid for, thats up to the owner.


thats rubbish foxdropper dug with lots of good terrier men from england ireland scotland and wales even dug with a few french seen many a good terrier man loose his stock seen many a good terrier man loose the fight in the dog seen many a good terrier mans dog jack its taken me years to get not just a good workers but good workers that produce workers money is the last thing i breed for its only been the last 4 years that ive let the odd one go so aint done bad for 16 years of the same blood only selling 4 and as for anyone without a good dog aint genuine you need a reality check some lads loose there good dogs and find it impossible to replace with the shite people breeds nowadays

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Taz, For me stick to what you got, graft em and do what yr doing. Share em carefully, don't be selfish and stupid like I did. When it started to go wrong I'd cornered myself and stupidly thought

The reason i whuld never sell a pup is once money's been passed over it is no longer your buissness and the man owes you no favours were as if you gift it.. for 1 you have the decision to who it go

Alright taz. Redge The dog I got off you around 3/4 seasons ago has never missed to this day! And he will never let me down to the day he dies, one hell of a dog with the heart of a lion. dug to him y

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Calm down bud and you might get the right post to stick my name too lol.Everything you write about is true but why the need to sell pups .I might be way off but you sold those pups from out th basket which is not supplus stock as you and others try to depict them .I know who you are and know a few who have your dogs so its pointless to spout shit mate .

Your dogs have a good rep mate im not disputing that but why you feel the need to sell is beyond me .Its always been my thing to help others freely but im different i guess .

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  On 19/01/2016 at 19:02, foxdropper said:

Calm down bud and you might get the right post to stick my name too lol.Everything you write about is true but why the need to sell pups .I might be way off but you sold those pups from out th basket which is not supplus stock as you and others try to depict them .I know who you are and know a few who have your dogs so its pointless to spout shit mate .

Your dogs have a good rep mate im not disputing that but why you feel the need to sell is beyond me .Its always been my thing to help others freely but im different i guess .

Only sold 4 you sure mate ,pinky promise .

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  On 19/01/2016 at 19:02, foxdropper said:

Calm down bud and you might get the right post to stick my name too lol.Everything you write about is true but why the need to sell pups .I might be way off but you sold those pups from out th basket which is not supplus stock as you and others try to depict them .I know who you are and know a few who have your dogs so its pointless to spout shit mate .

Your dogs have a good rep mate im not disputing that but why you feel the need to sell is beyond me .Its always been my thing to help others freely but im different i guess .

haha what makes you think he wants to stick your name to anything ???? whats the bloke done wrong for you to throw your dummy out the pram ? it smacks me of jealousy chum .you go to nuttal and see what you pay .go and try to buy genuine gould blood ...where has taz mentioned money .ive walked miles with this man and let me assure you chum hes never ever taken any thing of me in return .hes taken me to the very best of permission ( and take it from me ive hunted this country all over over the years ) hes never ever excepted any fuel money hes gifted me bags of nets leads etc birds and seed and cages etc etc any offers of payment are brushed aside. the mans dogs speak for themselves and his generosity does .you should except his kind offer of a day out with him and his dogs i can assure you your attitude and ignorance of the man will change .after all what genuine terrier man could resist this offer and like kenny rogers once said NO CHARGE

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So basically what your saying foxdropper is your a free loading c**t that wants everything for nothing ? Good dogs are very hard to come by these days , and anyone who isn't willing to part with a few quid for something decent , then they don't deserve to have it . Why would the man give away pups that he has put time , money and effort into breeding ? If u had a car say and a lad was really stuck for a vehicle would you give it him free , if u didn't need it ? Would you f**k

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If the likes of Nuttal,Gould,Parkes and all these men did not breed pups for sale then a lot of lads would have f**k all in there yards this present day and lets face it if you pay say £250 for a well bred pup thats parents and rest of the line are out and out workers and you get 9-10 years from said dog then it was really a cheap buy.

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Foxdropper you sound like one of the typical terrier world aristocracy who believe it would be a sin for little average Joe bloggs to get his hands on some decent blood. Yes Taz is taking a bit of a gamble by selling the odd pup to strangers which could comeback to bite him on his arse but it's a gamble well worth taking as he could be giving somebody years of fun and adding yet another much needed lifelong enthusiast to our sport.


Its clear to see he's no puppy peddlar so why don't you pull your head out your arse and take a leaf from his book and help somebody get a foot on the ladder or simply mind your own f***ing business?

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