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Guest Dave

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I seem to remember a thread about the possibilities of 'rolling your own' to save money, on another forum. The upshot was that someone had done it and got absolutely bollocked by his FLO even though he had the relevant slot on his FAC for a moderator, as I think you need a special license to manufacture them or something. I'll dig out a link later (when I can be arsed), but in the meantime if you are a member of BASC then give their firearms team a ring and see what they have to say. :good:

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Yes, i,ve made them in the t8 style for 17 rimmy,s, out of aluminium, i would,nt try it on a centrefire though, unless it was made of steel, the volume of gas would destroy an aluminium one, they are relativly simple with a lathe.



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I am playing with the idea of making one out of stainless for .243. Baldie do you know what the law is with making your own? I am fairly sure it does not need to be proofed if it is for my own use and not for selling on but will I have commited a crime in making a part for a fire arm without a licence. I do have space for the .243 moderator on my ticket.


Whats the OD on those baldie? Do they work as well as baught moderators?



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I know of no law which prohibits you from making your own dave, and contrary to popular belief, they do not have to be proofed.These worked very well indeed on the 17 hmr, the o/d being around 1 3/4",as you can see, mine were held together with s/s grub screws, one for a fullbore would have to be threaded together, keep us posted, silencers are a pet subject of mine.

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I know my engineering instructors made a rifle from scratch about 16 years ago he even made all the tools he needed to do the job such as the tools for hand doing the stock checkering. He would be a handy guy to know! I cant remember but he probably bought the barrel in.


Dont know how he went about proofing and licencing. I assume he must have had the slot for the rifle to go on on his ticket.



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