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Fuss Pot

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My pups never asked for a fuss or nothing since I had her 8 months ago tonight she's all over me living a good fuss..strange as I said she's always been happy to chill doing her own thing.right soft c**t lol..maybe course she's in seson?. Nice to see enyways..pointless topic for ya lads lol..slow to bond with this one but am really bonding with her now as the weeks past..al kill the c**t if she keeps pulling in the lead tho..lol

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My pups never asked for a fuss or nothing since I had her 8 months ago tonight she's all over me living a good fuss..strange as I said she's always been happy to chill doing her own thing.right soft c**t lol..maybe course she's in seson?. Nice to see enyways..pointless topic for ya lads lol..slow to bond with this one but am really bonding with her now as the weeks past..al kill the c**t if she keeps pulling in the lead tho..lol

prob because she in season, she prob go back to her old self later lol

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Great.c**t can go back in the shed then lol ..aye am sure it is ray but myself been getting for fund of her as the months as gone on..taking her out alone past few week other dog hates that but me and pups had a good bit of bonding time and the odd chass. So use to my little bitch.who's full on and this pup is nice and steady..funny thing she is.maybe course an use to terriers.hopping to have a bag of bunny's before end of the month

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Nice to see when a pup starts coming around, the thing is sexuality brings sensuality where a dog or bitch starts craving more contact and becomes social at the same time, it also brings focus and drive,it's a time where old timers would watch for to start training in earnest, best of luck with her

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As I type this , the steely eyed vermin punisher that is Fred is lay on his back, legs in the air with his face buried in my armpit......for the first 5 months he couldn't give a toss if he was hanging from a flagpole by his tail, nowhe dosnt leave my side...... Yeah, hard as nails my Arse.


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Had a lurcher that wouldn't even let anyone stroke her once, just didn't seem to like being bothered with at all to be honest. Found her impossible to bond with and train and subsequently rehomed her to a pet home as she was no good for what I needed. My Deerhound Greyhound on the other hand is like my feckin' shadow! she's a kennel dog but when allowed in she literally doesn't let me get more than a metre or two away from her and even follows me to the bog! It's frustrating but I'd rather her be that way than like the other. Thinks she's a lap dog too and tries to lie on top of you, if im laid in bed I have to hang my hand off the side and make sure its constantly touching her or she'll get up and try to get on the bed with me! Soft little bugger he!

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My spaniel was a sod when it was younger. Always at my heel or under it in the house, would lie / sleep on the back of the sofa behind my head (or curl up between me and the back if the sofa if I was lying down on it myself) and if one of the other dogs beat her in the race to sit next to me she would sit in the opposite side of the room with a face like a pound of tripe and not settle until she was within arms reach!

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