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iv got some videos stored on the laptop from my gopro can someone tell me step by step how i would go about putting them up i only know how to copy link from you tube but you lose all the quality so want up load straight off my pc thanks(and i mean proper idiot guide cheers)

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I don't believe you can upload large pics/video direct to THL. You've got to use another company (Youtube/Photobucket etc.) and then just post the link/shortcut on to this forum.


You should be able to just upload your videos straight to Youtube? It'll upload the best copy (HD) for viewing.


You sure your not just viewing your videos back in low definition?

When you watch a Youtube video, it automatically lowers the quality depending how good your internet connection is but you can manually change it back to HD on any video you watch.

There's a symbol that looks like a cog at the bottom right of the video your watching, click on that and you'll see it says 'Quality'. Click on that and you can then change it from lowest quality 144p right up to 1080p so your watching in HD.


Sorry if you knew this already.


Works for me.


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