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Recall Advice

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  On 11/01/2016 at 18:41, Falconer77 said:

Have you tried using a maniquin i generally don't give out advice to someone running a pup regularly at 10 month old

i run the dog when i want its my dog im running say 2 times a week and not loads of runs just steady nights so dont start that shit if the dog wasent capable of the job yet it wouldn't be doing it,i feel near 11 month old is old enough for a couple steady nights a week some men might not think it is some do,theres people running alot younger

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The pup has resistance in and around your space, can be fear or could be the lead, Fear is broken down by a desire, you can go back to basis all you like but if you don't address the underlining resi

This is one of the examples why I don't start saluki lurchers at such a young age. I find that they take longer to mature and be 'bomb proof'. But I guess we all go about things different ways...


  On 11/01/2016 at 18:57, Falconer77 said:

Your bitch may be ready physically but not mentally why rush . Spend more time bonding to general commands every dog is different ie fetch game playing enjoying your company .

i get what you mean falconer but what im saying is the bitch has only realy started it bad again the last week or 10days she was fine before that she had a similar stage around 6 months were i had problems when we were just out in the day she was doing the same thing

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The pup has resistance in and around your space, can be fear or could be the lead,

Fear is broken down by a desire, you can go back to basis all you like but if you don't address the underlining resistance little will change,

feed only in your space, getting the pup up close and personal, take it out on a long long nylon line with a d clasp secured on the end to the collar, keep the line on in the day time, it will resolve the tension between the both of you when it's time to go home,

Don't discipline the pup in your space, sounds simple but pups remember been whooped for jumping up or pulling at trouser legs

Play tug or fetching ball with pup getting it comfortable in your area,

Until you built trust your wasting your time with anymore training, like constructing a house the foundation has to be right first it all comes from there,

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lot to be said for trust I caught me dogs tail in the door going out lamping last night. It really hurt him and he looked at me as if to say why the hell did you do that. He caught 3 rabbits and each one he wasn't that keen on me having but he had been doing well on previous nights. His a funny dog on one side his full on and brash but when its comes to things like that his a sensitive soul lol

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  On 12/01/2016 at 08:54, terryd said:

lot to be said for trust I caught me dogs tail in the door going out lamping last night. It really hurt him and he looked at me as if to say why the hell did you do that. He caught 3 rabbits and each one he wasn't that keen on me having but he had been doing well on previous nights. His a funny dog on one side his full on and brash but when its comes to things like that his a sensitive soul lol

a lot of lurchers are like that and sensitive mate. Your not on your own. Can remember giving me dog a rollicking before ferreting once and the c**t didn't look at me when we were out lol
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  On 11/01/2016 at 21:00, Casso said:

The pup has resistance in and around your space, can be fear or could be the lead,

Fear is broken down by a desire, you can go back to basis all you like but if you don't address the underlining resistance little will change,

feed only in your space, getting the pup up close and personal, take it out on a long long nylon line with a d clasp secured on the end to the collar, keep the line on in the day time, it will resolve the tension between the both of you when it's time to go home,

Don't discipline the pup in your space, sounds simple but pups remember been whooped for jumping up or pulling at trouser legs

Play tug or fetching ball with pup getting it comfortable in your area,

Until you built trust your wasting your time with anymore training, like constructing a house the foundation has to be right first it all comes from there,

Trust is something that is earned not taught the trust should be there in a 3 month old pup before basic training even starts.discipline needs to be done immediately a problem occurs in your own space or not you let a pup get away with negative behaviour in your space it will automatically think it has the upper hand does the bitch not discipline a pup in the whelping box? once its eyes open and it starts to get around ?

Edited by desertbred
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Dogs do a lot of things to themselves and other dogs but it don't make me believe it's either the right way or the only way, rolling in shite , and eating shite are two I can think off that aren't that well taught through canine wise ?

Trust is earned its true,I never felt that disciplining a pup for what is to it natural canine behaviour is the way to go for building trust, pup has an emotional attraction to whatever stimulates it, it's not thinking its driven energetically to make contact with objects in its environment, so when a dog starts making contact and pulling at me when they reach a certain age , I don't suddenly think "shit I better knock some sense into this lad or he's going to want to take over the house" because I know it's not on his agenda,,ever,

It's a crock of lies that been promoted by people who want to sell books and appear on telly


Instead of pack , think group , a dog only wants to work and be part of a group, you don't need to discipline a dog to have it social , you just need to work it , it that f**king simple ,

fellas make it difficult by throwing away a pups interest in them and focus it and a prey animal too young before a real alliance is made , all the while having to shout louder and louder because they now see themselves as the leader of the pack ?

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