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What People Do For Work?

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I'm a Team leader at a firm that builds Sonar for the Navy. We're building the Flank and Bow sonar for the Astute class Submarine for the next year or two.

That's pretty cool. Thales? I've delved into the Sonar world a few times through work, same stuff as any other engineering type job I guess but the application is at least interesting. Do you ever get out on field trials?



As for me, I'm a professional geek working in Research for oilfield and mineral logging.

Do you do oilfield logging...? Production,intervention or exploration



Yeah, well I work in an office/lab doing the R&D for the tools and supporting Operations when they have questions/stuff goes wrong. I'm not an actual logging engineer. Specifically wireline logging. A significant chunk of my work is mineral logging too, iron ore. Which is also hanging on by the skin of its teeth.


So fishing is what I should be shooting for? LOL


A chap that used to be on here, NickB, was in geosteering I think. Progressed through wireling, LWD/MWD, North Sea, Middle East etc. He's not been on here for a while.....

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You lot are going to piss yourselves when I tell you what I do now. Since I retired from fishing I have been Ironing clothes for a living. It helps pay the bills and I work in the warm and watch TV wh

like I say Gnash anytime your up let me know and we have a natter . That green hut is on temple place I stop there for a brew regular .  Gnash is right we have to learn what they call the knowledge

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So you analyse the data? I'm involved in ccl and gamma ray logging but mostly coiled tubing ,Thru tubing intervention and fishing tools


There's plenty data analysis in my job yeah, but only in respect of developing a new tool or figuring out what has gone wrong with a job if the problem is tool specific. The geoscience guys do all the processing and analysis of the jobs. We only really get involved with that if they think they need a tool expert.


Oh yeah, most of my work is acoustic, dipole sonic mostly, but also a fair bit of nuclear, density mostly but a bit of neutron work now and again. A lot of calibration improvements, tool design improvements etc, just working on new stuff for new markets or a change in business strategy as decided by those higher up.


I've been here 5 years now and trying to get my head around whether i want to stay in the industry for the long haul.... If things get any worse I might have the decision made for me! LOL

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When I was a kid I used to work on the refinery with this Wild Irish f****r who eventually got jail when they found him doing radiographs of 2" valves in the site toilet with a gamma source and a bottle of Canadian rye !! Lol lol

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I'm a Team leader at a firm that builds Sonar for the Navy. We're building the Flank and Bow sonar for the Astute class Submarine for the next year or two.

That's pretty cool. Thales? I've delved into the Sonar world a few times through work, same stuff as any other engineering type job I guess but the application is at least interesting. Do you ever get out on field trials?



As for me, I'm a professional geek working in Research for oilfield and mineral logging.

Do you do oilfield logging...? Production,intervention or exploration

Yeah, well I work in an office/lab doing the R&D for the tools and supporting Operations when they have questions/stuff goes wrong. I'm not an actual logging engineer. Specifically wireline logging. A significant chunk of my work is mineral logging too, iron ore. Which is also hanging on by the skin of its teeth.


So fishing is what I should be shooting for? LOL


A chap that used to be on here, NickB, was in geosteering I think. Progressed through wireling, LWD/MWD, North Sea, Middle East etc. He's not been on here for a while.....

Been watching the shares for the iron ore mining company's there going down pretty quickly was thinking of buying as there bound to go up again Whitting next ten years

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I wouldn't know where to start with the stock market but yeah you'd think so. Assuming they don't go bust! The Likes of Rio Tinto and BHP are playing the same game in the mining market that the likes of Aramco are playing in the oil market, they're flooding the market at a time of reduced demand to put the smaller players out of business.

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We were in the pub one day and one of the lads was chatting up a couple of girls.

One asked him what he does. "I'm a thermal insulating engineer." he told her.

The other girl said "yer a lagger."

We fell around with the laughter.

Only most people think yer asking for a drink when u tell em your a Lagger, got to be the easiest job on the building sites??

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Thousands of travellers got normal jobs,alot of my mates went on the bin lorries,many travellers went on the council.

Yep I know a few travelling bin men also call centre workers and jockeys and even chefs and working on film sets
Ha ha the bin man ain't a bad move,my mates the driver out a day break,any scrap left out he calls his brother with location and bang its gone.other scrappys get the right pox
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Thousands of travellers got normal jobs,alot of my mates went on the bin lorries,many travellers went on the council.

Yep I know a few travelling bin men also call centre workers and jockeys and even chefs and working on film sets
Ha ha the bin man ain't a bad move,my mates the driver out a day break,any scrap left out he calls his brother with location and bang its gone.other scrappys get the right pox

Being the driver would be kushti wouldn't want to do the legwork lol bad days for the scrap men lately tho but was in the midland last week and seen a few mushes out fully loaded with light iron can't bad getting much more than 15 pound a ton I hoard metal until it's right price to sell

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