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Guest Vladimir

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About Taigan's coat. This is a high altitude mountain sighthound. His coat is growing thicker in winter and particularly around feet, protecting them from injuries, when the dog is running on rocky terrain. By the summer, the dog is shedding and during physically active life, its coat is not causing problems. They have all transitions from Taigans to Tazy. In lower mountains and mountain foothills, there are lighter colored forms of the Taigan.


Hi Vlad,


Are you the Vlad that Steve Bodio talks about? I have a tazy from Steve, he's about a year and half old, he lost most all of his baby fuzz over the summer, but now it's growing back on his flanks and shoulders, guess this typical?


Do you have taigans?


Take Care,


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Guest Vladimir
About Taigan's coat. This is a high altitude mountain sighthound. His coat is growing thicker in winter and particularly around feet, protecting them from injuries, when the dog is running on rocky terrain. By the summer, the dog is shedding and during physically active life, its coat is not causing problems. They have all transitions from Taigans to Tazy. In lower mountains and mountain foothills, there are lighter colored forms of the Taigan.


Hi Vlad,


Are you the Vlad that Steve Bodio talks about? I have a tazy from Steve, he's about a year and half old, he lost most all of his baby fuzz over the summer, but now it's growing back on his flanks and shoulders, guess this typical?


Do you have taigans?


Take Care,


Yes, Steve Bodio is my fiend. He and I have Saluki out of the same stock from Kazakhstan. As far as I know, the furnishing hair should disappear by maturity on most of the body, except the tail and ears. One of my pups never had it on his flanks and sides, but two others had. One male is 10 months old now and he still has it, perhaps, not bad to endure winter cold. I hope it will go, eventually. There is my other friend, a hunter in Scotland, who has a puppy with similar juvenile furnishing. It seems a normal trait in many Saluki dogs.

I do not have a Taigan. However, I have a reliable friend in Karatau, Kazakhstan, who would certainly help to buy a good puppy or a pair out of good hunting lines and at a reasonable price; the same price they pay, not a "special price for a foreigner". He can also help with a Tazi (their Saluki) puppy. The price should stay within $100-200 range. The shipping is usually a headache and it is costly. The best way is shipping with a passenger. This simplifies everything with the shipping. You take them as your pets. If you are interested, e-mail me in person and we will discuss it further. This is a nice place to travel, if you have a naturalistic interest. Steve Bodio was there, he can tell you more. When Steve was there, I still did not have that good friend there. You can stay in his house and save some money.

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