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Sheep and the headlines are he gives her both barrels lol , she is 100% right , ian dales words "Oh so there all here to bomb us" . . No you Fukcing idiot it only needs a tiny % which I Guarentee will

Desertbred - do you think it's racist if I tell you I think my country would be a better place without Muslims here, that all mosques should be taken down and if Muslims want to continue to follow the

haven't been in paki shop for years max & would rather have a dirty car than fund them in car washes -have to admit I like my chow mein though-- but hey them chinkies just integrate with us and we

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  On 08/01/2016 at 09:10, lanesra said:

Sheep and the headlines are he gives her both barrels lol , she is 100% right , ian dales words "Oh so there all here to bomb us" . . No you Fukcing idiot it only needs a tiny % which I Guarentee will be the case , I can't see how some people genuinely can't actually see what's happening & resort to the Racist tag to anyone who speaks up about what these people a aims are , DB you honestly believe Islam hasn't brought a problem to this country ? Mosques everywhere yet more demanded , gangs of men raping young girls on a massive scale , areas where courts/laws alien to this land are happening , British born Muslims blowing themselves & innocent people up going about there daily business , no go areas for non Muslims , good hard working people not liking what they see yet scared to voice there opinion in fear of been classed as racist , the mainstream media blanking out certain incidents & telling us what suits not Whats right , watching people who speak in the favour of British culture & heritage being persecuted by the establishment , young people sent to war coming home severely disabled & forgot about to struggle while we house feed & cloth people who on certain days take to the street announcing they hate us & want to rid us of what them young people are meant to be fighting for , the list is endless mate so maybe when we are trying to come across on here with worries & fears we don't always word it right but believe me those worries & fears are real.

One of the best drafted posts I have read on here cant argue with 99% what Lansera has written.

Edited by desertbred
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  On 08/01/2016 at 09:16, walshie said:

The more cynical among us might wonder if the governments aren't just letting this build and build until the general population sort it out for them, then whatever the outcome, they can take the moral high ground.


That could be the end game for muslims in European countries, after they've served their purpose? I think much bigger things are at stake, like control of the middle east, the powers that be wont do it without our consent, but who'd object to some serious "thinning out" of muslims in the present climate, were being taught to hate on purpose imo. Give it some thought, isis and all this other bollocks came about after the UK and US governments defeat over bombing Syria the first time round, they lost our consent, arm some young stupid ideological group like isis, let muslims in that we will see as a threat (and they are a real threat) further wind people up by giving endless concessions to muslims over here, and they get the green light with our blessing to do as they please. The idiot muslims think they'll out breed their way to victory in Europe, naive. Fact is were all being played to benefit a very small minority of people, thousands/millions suffering for no real reason other than the interests of a few.

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  On 08/01/2016 at 10:34, maxhardcore said:

DB believes there should be courts in this Country ran by Muslims making laws for Muslims


That's tells you all you need to know.


Abide by the laws of the land your welcomed too

Respect there laws

Embrace their ways and rules

If you do not want to do that don't live there ' leave and go back to Muslim lands

It's as simple as that.

Shariat courts belong in Islamic countries you cretin . You are trying to manufacture your own scenarios proove your claim what I am thinking bufoon.

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  On 08/01/2016 at 11:15, maxhardcore said:

You posted

Islamic Culture Protects Peoples rights.

I re posted so now You are our Protectors ffs

You re posted Islamic society and culture

Or do you ( meaning I ) consider myself part of Islamic culture

So Fatty what you were saying is you believe Islamic law should rule over Muslim citizens in OUR Country

NO fatty you should abide by British Law

Or Norwegian law or French law ect ect

Depending on where you's have been accepted.

Common Sense tells you that but no amount of education can instil a bit of Common fatty :)

to be fair when you look at the bigger picture, it's OUR GOVERNMENTS FAULT, the shitslams are only taking advantage of an easy situation like when a rat finds a food source in a shed it tells it's mates and move in and wreck and destroys everything, until they get moved on or killed, these pieces of human Shiite need treated like the disease carrying rats they are, EXTERMINATED, so people lets see how spineless the leaders of peacetime Europe really are by they're actions against what happened in Germany and other European countries nye. The only true leader with balls who will do what it takes is wladimir Putin from Russia as he has the military experience to take the bull by the horns and not giving a fook if he offends all the doo gooders
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Max you long streak of piss you have not got a clue what you are talking about . . You know nothing about islam or its culture. Same as dogs have you even got runner/worker and I dont mean your sons or broth in laws. your full of it you butchers pencil your a laughing stock, with the crap you post e.g. Hills and Fens your the resident joke.

Edited by desertbred
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  On 08/01/2016 at 11:33, desertbred said:

Max you long streak of piss you have not got a clue what you are talking about . . You know nothing about islam or its culture. Same as dogs have you even got runner/worker and I dont mean your sons or broth in laws. your full of it you butchers pencil your a laughing stock, with the crap you post e.g. Hills and Fens your the resident joke.

mon db with a nan of your intellect I'd expect better come back than that, you butchers pencil?? You have no working dog?? Db tut tut playground stuff
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  On 07/01/2016 at 17:05, desertbred said:


  On 07/01/2016 at 16:56, mushroom said:

Point is desert; they have the freedoms now that the majority of islamic women do not. Freedom is the very essence of British and no one group should be allowed to jepordise it.


Let's face it these men do not belong in Europe!

So you consider UK free Mushroom ? Islamic culture protects peoples rights ,if some abuse these freedoms or interpret things to suit their own ends that is the individual and not a reason to stereo type is it.


Now Max the plank where does my statement mention any country other than asking Mushroom about uk freedom. Islamic culture is not part of western culture is it you are twisting facts to suit your agenda you streak of urine

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Arsenil you are a spoon merchant your neither witty enough or clever enough to stir it :thumbs: read back the plank brought dogs into it in one of his previous posts LOL you and him must play on the same swings :laugh:

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  On 08/01/2016 at 11:33, desertbred said:

Max you long streak of piss you have not got a clue what you are talking about . . You know nothing about islam or its culture. Same as dogs have you even got runner/worker and I dont mean your sons or broth in laws. your full of it you butchers pencil your a laughing stock, with the crap you post e.g. Hills and Fens your the resident joke.

I know of Islam and it's culture it's backward wrong and evil and it should be abolished

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You brought dogs up you anorexic c**t and Sunderland is your second favourite topic after your islamaphobe nonsense. see same old group giving your inane comments likes LOL. you are not capable to flummox me you are only a distraction for a little free time . :thumbs:

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  On 08/01/2016 at 12:21, desertbred said:

You brought dogs up you anorexic c**t and Sunderland is your second favourite topic after your islamaphobe nonsense. see same old group giving your inane comments likes LOL. you are not capable to flummox me you are only a distraction for a little free time . :thumbs:

why are you in this country if yours is so great
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  On 08/01/2016 at 12:23, mick1212 said:


  On 08/01/2016 at 12:21, desertbred said:

You brought dogs up you anorexic c**t and Sunderland is your second favourite topic after your islamaphobe nonsense. see same old group giving your inane comments likes LOL. you are not capable to flummox me you are only a distraction for a little free time . :thumbs:

why are you in this country if yours is so great


whats it got to do with you where I live ?

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