General lee 979 Posted January 11, 2016 Report Share Posted January 11, 2016 That won't play bur I've seen it before it just shows what these people are they have no place in a civilised world 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
lanesra 3,994 Posted January 11, 2016 Report Share Posted January 11, 2016 My kids followed my religion and lucky for them they did as Id of disowned them . . That religion is Arsenal .F.C. :) 4 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
fireman 11,033 Posted January 11, 2016 Report Share Posted January 11, 2016 My kids followed my religion and lucky for them they did as Id of disowned them . . That religion is Arsenal .F.C. :) And that's any better than having a imaginary friend is it? ........ Quote Link to post Share on other sites
lanesra 3,994 Posted January 11, 2016 Report Share Posted January 11, 2016 My kids followed my religion and lucky for them they did as Id of disowned them . . That religion is Arsenal .F.C. :) And that's any better than having a imaginary friend is it? ........ Well at least I can see who I worship , but we have a strange relationship as I love them & hate them on a weekly basis 3 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ragumup Posted January 11, 2016 Report Share Posted January 11, 2016 GAZ1989 Islam or Muslims are not recognised as a race so if you are against islam or Muslims how is it racism? unless you say Pakistani. Bengali Arab etc and then go into a tirade of abuse.. Its the western laws that have been created to make religious hate crime this was first done to protect Judaism and has now been extended to all religions. just to clear up misconceptions Iran has Christians and churches even jews and synagogues those of those faiths can practice their faIth they are expected to pay a tax this tax is an islamic levied tax not just iranian. . Pakistan for example does not permit Muslims to drink alcohol but Non muslims Christians , Sikhs, Hindus etc can purchase it from depots similar to off licences on production of their Nationality I/D card which states you religion Islam , Christian etcYou talk of terrorism etc in Iran Afghanistan in fact the whole of the Middle East ,Central Asia and the Far East Muslims Christians Sikhs, Hindus Bhudists etc are al ltargets for the likes of Daesh/ Al Quaida Taliban, Jullandar etc the example the 123 children executed in APS Peshawar kpk Pakistan. I have lost numerous relatives friends , colleagues to these attacks you speak of. I have many times spoken out against terrorism and those who carry it out but as per the red necks on here Muslims secretly support these terror groups. . I am sick to my back teeth of bullshit from all sides I bleed the same s everyone else so do my family and friends I have no respect or love for anyone who uses islam to kill and maim for their own gain. I am Muslim my family are Muslim Islam is our faith and our own concern I dont advocate imposition of Shariat law any where other than countries that are islamic republics. I dont find anything in UK that prevents me from practising my faith All though I know lots on here would like to prevent me from following my faith its not going to happen . I dont support any actions that break any of the laws of UK except the Hunting with dogs Act, If I am attacked verbally or physically I will defend myself as I would expect any man to do. The death penalty should be reintroduced for Terrorism, peadophilia, murder and rape.I go running with a lot of English lads we dont have arguments or disputes especially about faith ANY ONE BREAKS THE LAW DEPORT THEM f**k HUMAN RIGHTS THEY ARE NOT A GET OUT OF JAIL CARD THAT HAS f**k ALL TO DO WITH RACE RELIGION OR POLITICS Is it ok if you change your religion from Islam to Christianity in Iran ??? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
green lurchers 16,884 Posted January 12, 2016 Report Share Posted January 12, 2016 Welcome to cultural enrichment savages 4 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Silversnake 1,099 Posted January 12, 2016 Report Share Posted January 12, 2016 GAZ1989 Islam or Muslims are not recognised as a race so if you are against islam or Muslims how is it racism? unless you say Pakistani. Bengali Arab etc and then go into a tirade of abuse.. Its the western laws that have been created to make religious hate crime this was first done to protect Judaism and has now been extended to all religions. just to clear up misconceptions Iran has Christians and churches even jews and synagogues those of those faiths can practice their faIth they are expected to pay a tax this tax is an islamic levied tax not just iranian. . Pakistan for example does not permit Muslims to drink alcohol but Non muslims Christians , Sikhs, Hindus etc can purchase it from depots similar to off licences on production of their Nationality I/D card which states you religion Islam , Christian etcYou talk of terrorism etc in Iran Afghanistan in fact the whole of the Middle East ,Central Asia and the Far East Muslims Christians Sikhs, Hindus Bhudists etc are al ltargets for the likes of Daesh/ Al Quaida Taliban, Jullandar etc the example the 123 children executed in APS Peshawar kpk Pakistan. I have lost numerous relatives friends , colleagues to these attacks you speak of. I have many times spoken out against terrorism and those who carry it out but as per the red necks on here Muslims secretly support these terror groups. . I am sick to my back teeth of bullshit from all sides I bleed the same s everyone else so do my family and friends I have no respect or love for anyone who uses islam to kill and maim for their own gain. I am Muslim my family are Muslim Islam is our faith and our own concern I dont advocate imposition of Shariat law any where other than countries that are islamic republics. I dont find anything in UK that prevents me from practising my faith All though I know lots on here would like to prevent me from following my faith its not going to happen . I dont support any actions that break any of the laws of UK except the Hunting with dogs Act, If I am attacked verbally or physically I will defend myself as I would expect any man to do. The death penalty should be reintroduced for Terrorism, peadophilia, murder and rape.I go running with a lot of English lads we dont have arguments or disputes especially about faith ANY ONE BREAKS THE LAW DEPORT THEM f**k HUMAN RIGHTS THEY ARE NOT A GET OUT OF JAIL CARD THAT HAS f**k ALL TO DO WITH RACE RELIGION OR POLITICSGood post desertbred, the only problem I have is where you say about 'the rednecks who say muslims secretly support terrorism groups' there certainly are muslims who support terrorism groups, not all muslims, but WAY too many and the so called decent muslims who are against these scum and filth (or claim to be against them) do WAY too little. I wish I didn't feel this way but if I could ban islam in my country I would do it... 5 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Blackbriar 8,569 Posted January 12, 2016 Report Share Posted January 12, 2016 Hopefully, Austria will continue the trend and pass them back to Hungary, who will escort them back over the fence ! EU migrant crisis: Germany sends migrants back to Austria - Quote Link to post Share on other sites
jacknife 2,005 Posted January 12, 2016 Report Share Posted January 12, 2016 At the end of the day terrorist or moderate and any other level of Muslim they all have the same religion They have an obsession with killing people.....where else in the world do people want to kill someone for leaving the faith or stand a woman in a hole and stone her to death How many of those who ran off to fight were classed as moderate Muslims 2 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
mackem 28,157 Posted January 12, 2016 Report Share Posted January 12, 2016 Country file I think it was last night Just caught ten mins Anyways there was a bloke on there reminiscing of when he was 18 starting out in some old country Resturaunt / Hotel as a chef ect Showed him going back now maybe 20 yrs later. He was prob a Hindu or Sikh ? Tell you what he was a Scotsman 100% Accent Way of thinking His love of our Countryside ect ect These are the Immigrants I can call a fellow Brit These are the immigrants or sons daughters of immigrants we want and welcome. He Totaly embraced our way of doing things Not wanting us to change for him or his religion. Top Man in my book. Country file I think it was last night Just caught ten mins Anyways there was a bloke on there reminiscing of when he was 18 starting out in some old country Resturaunt / Hotel as a chef ect Showed him going back now maybe 20 yrs later. He was prob a Hindu or Sikh ? Tell you what he was a Scotsman 100% Accent Way of thinking His love of our Countryside ect ect These are the Immigrants I can call a fellow Brit These are the immigrants or sons daughters of immigrants we want and welcome. He Totaly embraced our way of doing things Not wanting us to change for him or his religion. Top Man in my book. Is it sanjeev kohli,the sikh scotsman? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
tandors 888 Posted January 12, 2016 Report Share Posted January 12, 2016 Wasn't it some chef not kohli? So contrived, he got the nod to go on country file stuck on his Barbour and there you have it, 100% Scotsman. Just like that new Beowulf on itv with 100% Anglo Saxons who are black. 2 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
gnasher16 30,580 Posted January 12, 2016 Report Share Posted January 12, 2016 (edited) It does make me laugh all these people ranting on trying to tell us things we was telling them 30 years ago which at the time they didnt think was all that important !.....I have more respect for Desertbred and his people than these plastic patriots we have coming out the woodwork least his kind are true to their beliefs and stick to it we have got exactly what we deserved as Englishmen.....people like me were laughed off and told we was knuckle dragging scum for voicing the exact same opinions that the people calling us scum are now piping up and saying themself like its all something new......well bollocks,we had our chance and we f****d it dont go trying to guilt us with things we told you years ago...... as a nation we will just have to learn the hard way. Edited January 12, 2016 by gnasher16 6 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Brewman 1,192 Posted January 12, 2016 Report Share Posted January 12, 2016 It does make me laugh all these people ranting on trying to tell us things we was telling them 30 years ago which at the time they didnt think was all that important !.....I have more respect for Desertbred and his people than these plastic patriots we have coming out the woodwork least his kind are true to their beliefs and stick to it we have got exactly what we deserved as Englishmen.....people like me were laughed off and told we was knuckle dragging scum for voicing the exact same opinions that the people calling us scum are now piping up and saying themself like its all something new......well bollocks,we had our chance and we f****d it dont go trying to guilt us with things we told you years ago...... as a nation we will just have to learn the hard way. I understand where you're coming from but "just have to learn the hard way." is that not a case of giving up without a fight.I've read most of your posts in the general chat over the last few years apart from football and I wouldn't have you down as someone to just accept fate. As with the knuckle dragging scum that people would have labelled the likes of you or me, I lived just off Edgware Road from 1991 at age of 16 seen all the muslims then and how they behaved but they would get a shock now and then in the local if they pushed their luck. I think a lot of people didn't actually witness what happened at first hand and nievly disbelieved it. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
kanny 21,063 Posted January 12, 2016 Report Share Posted January 12, 2016 Desertbred you have never met me but others who have will tell you i'm far from a dictator of beliefs and am a man who lets live ,but when war is mongered out and children are raised to be in fear of something that ain't true and can't be proven to be either then i will say my point.My kids are polite,well mannered and open minded as i have shown them to be and not forced my beliefs onto them,i'm not complaining about folks and how they think it's how they act towards others inclueding their own children and to bullshit to kids about a imaginary god is a very wrong thing to do and i'm proud to say i've never done it and never will... So I bull shit my children Lol or force them into my belief ,they are all educated to degree level the youngest Studying now. They have Eastern and Western education and all more than capable of independent thinking and understanding. You have a strange concept what makes you think that there is not a God you cant disprove it either so what makes your opinion any more valid than anyone elses. .who does have a faith?The same kids you said in another thred you would disown if they didn't follow islam in the way you see fit... Not forcing them my arse... Hypocrite. That would be my choice and the question was if my youngest chose to marry a non Muslim not to follow Islam as I see fit. You cant even read correctly. Any Muslim follows islam as they see fit, I told my opinion nothing hypocritical with me. My children and grand children are all practising Muslims so your claim doesnt arise. You talk absolute bollocks stick to chipping wood you are a thick as f**k.probably a failed hippie or tree hugger Ahh your just splitting hairs it's still emotional blackmail whatever way you look at it... Let's see some pictures of your handy work then clever cnut. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
greg64 2,897 Posted January 12, 2016 Report Share Posted January 12, 2016 It does make me laugh all these people ranting on trying to tell us things we was telling them 30 years ago which at the time they didnt think was all that important !.....I have more respect for Desertbred and his people than these plastic patriots we have coming out the woodwork least his kind are true to their beliefs and stick to it we have got exactly what we deserved as Englishmen.....people like me were laughed off and told we was knuckle dragging scum for voicing the exact same opinions that the people calling us scum are now piping up and saying themself like its all something new......well bollocks,we had our chance and we f****d it dont go trying to guilt us with things we told you years ago...... as a nation we will just have to learn the hard way. you might have had your chance but I bet half the people that you say are trying to guilt you now were not even born 30 years ago unless your talking about everyone over fifty having a whine 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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