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Oh yeah,and the mayor of cologne asked women not to behave too cheerfully,as it could be misconstrued as sexual openess,meaning if your laughing,smiling,not wearing a burkha your out on th prowl looking for a large gang of syrian males to molest tou as its your dream come true?

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Sheep and the headlines are he gives her both barrels lol , she is 100% right , ian dales words "Oh so there all here to bomb us" . . No you Fukcing idiot it only needs a tiny % which I Guarentee will

Desertbred - do you think it's racist if I tell you I think my country would be a better place without Muslims here, that all mosques should be taken down and if Muslims want to continue to follow the

haven't been in paki shop for years max & would rather have a dirty car than fund them in car washes -have to admit I like my chow mein though-- but hey them chinkies just integrate with us and we

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Oh yeah,and the mayor of cologne asked women not to behave too cheerfully,as it could be misconstrued as sexual openess,meaning if your laughing,smiling,not wearing a burkha your out on th prowl looking for a large gang of syrian males to molest tou as its your dream come true?

So women have to be friendly and welcoming to them, but at the same time not friendly and welcoming to them?




I don't think being friendly was an issue on New Year's Eve, these women were just running the gauntlet trying to get in and out of the f***ing station! Whilst being molested by this vile filth!

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I heard on the news that the European referendum could be as early as June ... this will be our one and only chance and hope of trying to sort this mess out ...I really do hope people see sense and vote out and arnt put of by the scare mongering of politicians trying to make us stay in . It's make or break it may hurt us a little in the short term but people got to look at the big picture if we don't vote out of Europe we are fecked anyway......OUT OUT OUT!

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Belgium,norway,and denmark are but three of the countries currently giving cultural sex education lessons to the immigrants,one of belgiums lessons reads...Women can wear short skirts without wanting sex....I think its norway thats trying to teach the "visitors" that women can object to sex if they dont want it,even if its a wife.What the f**k sort of animals are these that are supposedly adult yet dont understand basic concepts of human behaviour and morality,merkel is starting to wake up now i understand as the attacks werent limited to cologne but spread across a number of large german cities with "healthy" immigrant populations,the sale of CS gas protection sprays has gone through the roof in cologne.

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Guest ragumup

Makes no sense to me atall they say Islam is better but won't Iive in a Islamic country so they come to a Christian country then try and turn it into a Muslim country how stupid are these people

Makes perfect sense to me, it's a way of conquering countries through deception as mandated by the Koran and Mohammad... it's worked in 44 plus countries so far and UK/Europe is just next in line ...

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I keep hearing this shit what is British culture and wanting it described


Its plain to see our culture and theirs don't mix


You don't need to describe what each culture is all about


Here's a good video explaining their thinking.




We are the oppressors and they are the oppressed and so above criticism,freedom of speech/choice/association doesn't even come into it,there is an agenda which to some people is more important than anyone's rights.


Only a contrary ideology that will sink to the same depths if necessary is strong enough to reverse the damage.


it's not Muslims or even immigrants as a whole that are the real problem,it's the people who (willfully or not) empower them in our society.

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I just saw the pegida march in Cologne, police firing water cannon at them, bet they did nothing to warrant it.

BBC described them as 'far right'.

How can a pressure group with no political policies other than wanting to halt Muslim immigration, be of any political persuasion?

Edited by shepp
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You live in a nice house,your garden is immaculate,pristine lawn,perfect fence around it,your neighbour however has a shithole of his own making,its dropping to bits,overgrown lawn and the place is overun with rats.One day in a moment of weakness because the rats look famished and in short order you decide to snip a hole in your fence,open your front door and lay a tempting trail of cheese and other rat attracting goodies directly into your home intending in your myopic magnanimous mind to give the rats a better life,every rat possible follows your cheese trail,the old,the sick,the infirm,small rats,big rats,f**k me your like the pied piper reenactment because every rat possible decides to come over to your rat utopia,you close the door once the last has entered and welcome them to their new home with open arms.

Within a month your home is a shithole,hug holes gnawed in the skirting boards,rat ahit everywhere,the lawn looks like the somme,the place has gone to shit,oh,and your neighbours are complaining like f**k and telling you to clean up the problem before it spreads to them,Merkel?As much use as a merkin more likes,dozy cow.

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I wonder how many jihadists were reasonable honest folk converts and from birth


My grandad spent quite a bit of time in Tripoli during the war and he had some sound advise for us.......Never trust a Muslim

My father who spent his life in the military and fought alongside the Allies in ww2 said exactly the same about Christians


why would you want to live among us if thats the case

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I wonder how many jihadists were reasonable honest folk converts and from birth


My grandad spent quite a bit of time in Tripoli during the war and he had some sound advise for us.......Never trust a Muslim

My father who spent his life in the military and fought alongside the Allies in ww2 said exactly the same about Christians

why would you want to live among us if thats the case

My thoughts entirely.


DB your dad told you never to trust a Christian. But he married one and you spend your life living in a Christian country as a Muslim.


What the fcuk?

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I heard on the news that the European referendum could be as early as June ... this will be our one and only chance and hope of trying to sort this mess out ...I really do hope people see sense and vote out and arnt put of by the scare mongering of politicians trying to make us stay in . It's make or break it may hurt us a little in the short term but people got to look at the big picture if we don't vote out of Europe we are fecked anyway......OUT OUT OUT!

problem is we have so many immigrants allowed to vote, plus the jocks....

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