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Jim Shockey Dropping A Bison With An "airbow"

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Watched this guy on a channel on the Android box! Can't think of his name, or which channel. He hunts with hawks, gun's and big into his bow hunting! One episode he hunted bison! Like what was said already, they seemed tame as f**k! The guy got pretty close, and took the shot!


Animal ran a small distance, stopped, and dropped like a shite! Was suprised how efficient the bow was in taking the animal down! Took one arrow to drop that animal!


It don't always work out like that though does it! Not much room for error with a bow! A little to the left or right, and you've got an injured animal on your hands


Doubt that he had to put eight arrows into that animal, by the way, think its common sense to carry an appropriate firearm, to dispatch if necessary! But you have to find the bloody thing first!

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I like this bow

Lets just hope he didn't have a name. .....

There's a bow in that picture? I didn't notice

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Shockey didnt put 8 shots into it mate,the gun/air bow takes 8 shots on a single charge of air,still prefer my compound however.The bison looks like its a park or high-fence animal.

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Shockey didnt put 8 shots into it mate,the gun/air bow takes 8 shots on a single charge of air,still prefer my compound however.The bison looks like its a park or high-fence animal.

Recon so! A was wondering where the 8 shot thing came from!

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The family are obsessional outdoor people,sponsored by virtually everyone,his daughter is quite pretty and bowhunts all over the world,she endorses bowtech and similar products,i remember she once got over 5000 death threats in a single day for bowhunting a 500lb bear,funny old world.

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As has already been said, it was the equivalent of walking into a field & shooting a cow hahahahaha............


.........I didn't take much noticed of the weapon, but my brain does start to shut down after watching these yanks for a few seconds haha.......


Like to of tried a steak off it though......;-)

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STUPID !!!!!!!!!!! like trying to kill a rat by firing needles at it .... what is the point ?????????????

Funny you should say that, I have a yank book here about rat hunting with a blow pipe, the darts are made from hyperdermic needles....I'll try to take some pictures

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