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Older Women 2.

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How many of you fancied your mates mum when you were a kid? :laugh:

I did.... she was nice


I had a porno mag and I was convinced it was her in it. a few friends also thought it was her in it.


I don't mind telling you that I am lucky not to be blind :)

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I pulled a 43 year old when i was 18 and after i gave her what i thought was a good seeing to. She started talking about her kids and the youngest one went to the local school, i said to her do you no

Not in my case......its because she had a brand new RS2000

I was working in a house one day when i was about 17 or so a lady in her late 30 was breast feeding a baby and i was taking the odd peak at her she caught me watching at asked what are you looking


How many of you fancied your mates mum when you were a kid? :laugh:

I did.... she was nice


I had a porno mag and I was convinced it was her in it. a few friends also thought it was her in it.


I don't mind telling you that I am lucky not to be blind :)

Porno mag........ Brings back memories, used to think all your Christmases and birthdays had come at once finding one in the woods as a kid!!


Kids these days have it too easy, everything's at a click of a button

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There's this good looking, older woman at work. I'd say she was about 50.

I asked her if she knew what MILF meant. She looked at me, slightly surprised, but flattered and with a tinkle in her eye, responded; "Yes, I'm aware of what it means."

So I said; "Well, I don't want to embarass you and I hope you don't mind but," I hesitated......

























......"I've been f***ing your mum."

Edited by kanny
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I remember when i was about 17/18 getting caught having the roll about with a married woman in her late 30,s her and the husband owned a wine bar in Essex he thought he was a Mr big of the day......i looked up with a soppy grin on my face and said " alright mate "........not knowing if he was going to stab or shoot me he simply said " for f**k sake are you sure.....i have to but you ? ".........i got straight out of there but was totally confused as she was a good sort and it took me a few hours to realise it was his way of humiliating her !....lucky escape all things considered and it was one of my only brushes with a much older woman......tried it on with my French teacher once and she told me to dream on...in English :D

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Been with a few older women I when I was younger, first time was when I was 19/20, she was 39. Always used to be drawn to them for some reason, was something about a proper full on woman who's seen a lot more than I did! :D

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its the mothering thing Mal,they present themselves without all the shite some of the young ones carry with them.brings back the long forgotten memories of lying in the bossom of yer mum when just a babe ....... :laugh: deep shit huh?

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its the mothering thing Mal,they present themselves without all the shite some of the young ones carry with them.brings back the long forgotten memories of lying in the bossom of yer mum when just a babe ....... :laugh: deep shit huh?

Not in my case......its because she had a brand new RS2000 :D

Edited by gnasher16
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How many of you fancied your mates mum when you were a kid? :laugh:

I did.... she was nice


I had a porno mag and I was convinced it was her in it. a few friends also thought it was her in it.


I don't mind telling you that I am lucky not to be blind :)

Porno mag........ Brings back memories, used to think all your Christmases and birthdays had come at once finding one in the woods as a kid!!


Kids these days have it too easy, everything's at a click of a button

Iv said it before gone are the days of finding a prized porn collection dumped in a hedgerow!

I found a cracking collection in an old caravan once In the middle of nowhere,dated right back to when hairy muffs must of been all the rage

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How many of you fancied your mates mum when you were a kid? :laugh:

I did.... she was nice


I had a porno mag and I was convinced it was her in it. a few friends also thought it was her in it.


I don't mind telling you that I am lucky not to be blind :)

Porno mag........ Brings back memories, used to think all your Christmases and birthdays had come at once finding one in the woods as a kid!!


Kids these days have it too easy, everything's at a click of a button

Iv said it before gone are the days of finding a prized porn collection dumped in a hedgerow!

I found a cracking collection in an old caravan once In the middle of nowhere,dated right back to when hairy muffs must of been all the rage


must have been horrific looking at them compaired to nowdays

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How many of you fancied your mates mum when you were a kid? :laugh:

I did.... she was nice


I had a porno mag and I was convinced it was her in it. a few friends also thought it was her in it.


I don't mind telling you that I am lucky not to be blind :)

Porno mag........ Brings back memories, used to think all your Christmases and birthdays had come at once finding one in the woods as a kid!!


Kids these days have it too easy, everything's at a click of a button

Iv said it before gone are the days of finding a prized porn collection dumped in a hedgerow!

I found a cracking collection in an old caravan once In the middle of nowhere,dated right back to when hairy muffs must of been all the rage


must have been horrific looking at them compaired to nowdays


to be fair its one of the only reasons I like the older women! I like a bit or roughage ;) I want it to look likes she is giving birth to kevin keegan :laugh::laugh:

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How many of you fancied your mates mum when you were a kid? :laugh:

I did.... she was nice


I had a porno mag and I was convinced it was her in it. a few friends also thought it was her in it.


I don't mind telling you that I am lucky not to be blind :)

Porno mag........ Brings back memories, used to think all your Christmases and birthdays had come at once finding one in the woods as a kid!!


Kids these days have it too easy, everything's at a click of a button

Iv said it before gone are the days of finding a prized porn collection dumped in a hedgerow!

I found a cracking collection in an old caravan once In the middle of nowhere,dated right back to when hairy muffs must of been all the rage


must have been horrific looking at them compaired to nowdays


Takes me back to the summer of 79 for the first time putting my hand between a ladies thighs and feeling that plump pelt BLISS.

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