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Remove The Prosecution Rights Of The Rspca

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Imagine the scene, someone sees you digging in land (where you have full permission). They don't like you, or they might just disagree with your chosen sport/means of pest control. They call the poli

It's the British legal system, not the justice system. There is no fcuking justice in it! Many an innocent man has found themselves without animals and a ban as they believed that 'being honest and t

and for them its a win/win situation, you get found guilty you get nailed for the costs, if its thrown out the public purse pays, its wrong

  On 05/01/2016 at 07:21, bracken boy said:

That's disgusting ,, being a honest chap I still believe in the truth but hey I was only asking a question so thanks.

It's the British legal system, not the justice system. There is no fcuking justice in it! Many an innocent man has found themselves without animals and a ban as they believed that 'being honest and telling the truth' would see them right.


See http://the-shg.org for more details.

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  On 05/01/2016 at 06:36, dymented said:

You do not have to be guilty off any offence for the charity workers to proceed with a privet prosecution hey will lie , manipulate evidence , intimidate and bully to do there best to egt a conviction as well as keep your animals for a year or two while they do it ( i my self had a terrier box coved in blood which they seized to do forensic test on i told them i used it for storing gutted rabbits in to stop the dog eating them on the way home , In court they claimed it was too expensive to do the tests , after the case failed low and behold the report turns up confirming it was rabbit blood ,why hide that ? because it would not help there case to secure a conviction for animal fighting ) The charity have no complainants or dispensary procedure the police do If there is any case to answer for any cruelty of any sort then the police should proceed not a bias charity who are totally anti ,if you are out hunting you should be charged with a hunting offence not under the AWA what do the charity have to gain massive fines / revenue if i had been convicted of there fabricated charges it would have cost me £160.000 and certainly have been given an animal ban As stated above they have high paid barristers that they used day in day out unless you can get your own specialist solicitor you have little to no chance off convincing the magistrate you are innocent .The rspca are not like what you see on the TV

and for them its a win/win situation, you get found guilty you get nailed for the costs, if its thrown out the public purse pays, its wrong

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Any of you ever wonder how a charity gets away with so much?? Trust me fellas for them to be getting off with so much stinks of collusion, corruption and no doubt are paying off judges and top ranking people in the pps etc etc. it you or I were to falsely accuse people and kill their dogs then get found to be wrong what would happen to us????? Yea we would be jailed without a second thought. So how come they are getting away with it?????????? It's also wrong that the police lift to the phone to them as soon as they get query about a hunting dog. They are there to uphold the law not ask a charity what they think the law is. It's wrong. Too many a good man has come a cropper to this gentle mans agreement between police and animal charities. About time it stopped and the rspca was investigated same for lacs

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