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Creating A Wildlife Pond

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Well in just over a year I truly have a wildlife pond. It's amazed me how quick nature has taken over. Reeds are established water level and colour settled. We have had heron, kingfisher, ducks with b

Let little un have a go today, the dream is coming true. Loved it.

Water level is well up now. About 6ft at deepest part. Had a sit by the waters edge with a beer last weekend listening to the birds tweeting and watchin the rudd topping and remembered what its all ab

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  On 01/05/2017 at 08:39, tomburras said:

That's a dream come true bet your very happy! The fish got in there themselves? How did that happen? Could they have been transfered by birds having eggs stuck to them?

That does happen but these ones came from a friends pond. Had a pair of ducks making themselves at home aswell recently so hoping they stay.

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I was speaking to a farmer a few years ago while on a farm subsidy course and he dug 3 small wildlife ponds, they where only small tho. Within 3 years tiny perch where in 2 of them. He said their eggs where carried by water birds from a nearby gravel pit and perch eggs are quite tough and survive the journey better?

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I have now seen newts, greater diving beetles, 3 differnet types/colours of dragon fly, swallows use it as their drinking hole, had a pair of moorhens with 2 young on it,a pair of mallards with 11 young on it.....and a heron. Not a desired visitor from me but it is wildlife and part of a natural balance. Reeds are established and spreading as are the lillies. Also the few rudd I chucked in have spawned so they must be happy. The whole place has flown on. Where it is at now I thought would take a few years and its taken a few months! Amazing hiw quick nature takes hold.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have just had a kingfisher visiting! That was my holy grail! Amazing. Over the moon.


That gives me my next project now so will be introducing some perches above water to try and encourage them to come back and cutting a bank on the island to try and get them to move in!


Well chuffed.

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