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As pcp air rifles seem to be the one to use, If you where in the market for one what would you buy My self it would be a choice of three AA s200 ,HW100 and walther r8 but i do like the fx vermaner and the brocock/daystate range,

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the only real advantage a pcp has over a good quality springer is silence and sometime a needed second shot if the gun has a mag , but this comes at a price both money and the fact a pcp is a more delicate gun and you have to take a lot more care when using it. knocks, dirt ,etc , a spring gun is ready to go always . I have a hw 100 and a verminator mark 1 . alot of the time I like the verminator more than the hw 100 . hw 100 may be every ones favorite because there are more about if you want opinions between a hw and a vermintor you will have to ask people who have used both . If you have a chance to get a verminator .cheap ,secondhand , and working i would not hesitate .You have to learn about the power curve on a verminator that is not a problem . A hw pump the gun up to full pressure and shot away untill near empty . both the hw and the verminator are good guns .

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The RM8 looks very good value for money...............................but it stops there. I had one, front end heavy after you have walked with it for ten mins and serious issues with power dropping. There have been quite a few guys with the same problem. Mine started on 11.4ft/lb dropping to 9.6 ish, can't remember exactly. Airtec advised that he had 4 RM8 guns in with the same problem and was designing a new regulator as the reg fitted was rubbish and would just keep breaking down. My option was to replace the air bottle with a BSA R10 bottle and reduce the barrel length as it was too long and have the new reg fitted but it is still a £399 gun after spending a couple of hundred quid on it, cut my losses and got rid.


I bought an HW100KT, a different league to the RM8.



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Ive had a few pcp's but i keep going back to AA.

I have an s410f classic at the moment and although im not saying its the best pcp out there, its a bloomin close one. With jsb exacts its pellet on pellet.

If i had to add a springer and i had a few quid to spend then it would be a pro sport in .177

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If I was in the market for a pcp? I'd probably spend 6 months deciding then another 6 wondering if I'd chosen right!


Seriously though I'd be looking hw100,r10 or s410 probably if new,rapid,super 10 or falcon if used,that's off the top of my head,any time to think about it and it could get messy!!

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