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new air pistol

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This is a difficult one and I obviously don't know the whole situation here, but my first reaction is that an air pistol is not the tool for pigeon control.


First off, they are not very accurate, most are only 3-4ft lb and your pellet placement will have to be incredibly accurate to stop one, I would suspect you will simply injure most and they will fly off.


If you just want to scare them off use crow scarers, etc.


For control, you really need something a bit more poweful and accurate, air Rifles or rimfire are pretty good but most peoples first choice is the the trusty 12G.



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does anyone know of any reasonable priced air rifle instead. one that can dispatch of pigeons : D


if its ferrals in the warehouse or factory why not try a ratcathcer or one of the newer ones out now. remember to limit the range with less power you have though. if its full power you want a bsa lightening should do. or any decent make, old webley, weirach (sp) but perhaps a bit too much money.

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if its in a ware house id just use a gutty aint hard to hit a scutty at 8 yards with a gutty and a baw bairn ..... prolly easyer than a pistol .


I just had to get my Scottish Wife to translate that for me , Kreet! :haha: :11:

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