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English Bull And Their Crosses Thread.

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How can there be no terrier blood in an american pit bull TERRIER? what kind of a statement is that ? when i think of old bull dog types, i think of big boned mastiff lookin useless bags of shite that wouldn't get out of there own way, the pit bull wasn't created from these mutts. Terrier blood has to be in them. This reminds of felas with paterdales, big massive bucket heads on them and they tell ya, oh theres no bull in them! and they lookin like half staffs .

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both of the above are litter brothers and have E/B in their blood..1/4 if i can recall corectly.     E/B x russell.was a very good dog for his work.     my 1st x E/B Benson.Worked hard and w

a good bitch in her day  

This one was a handy rabbiter alright lol

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Psycho was only 1/8 EBT, Stormer was 1/4 EBT and he produced next to nothing... Apart from the stand out Red Hand of Ulster there hasn't really been any proven pure EBT.


Dogfox123 - James Hinks started with working blood yes, but it's no different than today starting with a pit and adding some whippet, Dalmatian & Spanish Pointer to it and hoping to get a better dog. It's not going to happen... The EBT is what it is and people need to take it for it is but it's not a true working dog and not in the same level as most pits or even a decent staff

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  On 17/07/2016 at 08:03, Lusitano said:

Psycho was only 1/8 EBT, Stormer was 1/4 EBT and he produced next to nothing... Apart from the stand out Red Hand of Ulster there hasn't really been any proven pure EBT.


Dogfox123 - James Hinks started with working blood yes, but it's no different than today starting with a pit and adding some whippet, Dalmatian & Spanish Pointer to it and hoping to get a better dog. It's not going to happen... The EBT is what it is and people need to take it for it is but it's not a true working dog and not in the same level as most pits or even a decent staff

Who said the Bullterrier is in any way superior to the APBT...

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  On 17/07/2016 at 08:25, DogFox123 said:


  On 17/07/2016 at 08:03, Lusitano said:

Psycho was only 1/8 EBT, Stormer was 1/4 EBT and he produced next to nothing... Apart from the stand out Red Hand of Ulster there hasn't really been any proven pure EBT.

Dogfox123 - James Hinks started with working blood yes, but it's no different than today starting with a pit and adding some whippet, Dalmatian & Spanish Pointer to it and hoping to get a better dog. It's not going to happen... The EBT is what it is and people need to take it for it is but it's not a true working dog and not in the same level as most pits or even a decent staff

Who said the Bullterrier is in any way superior to the APBT...

nobody, Ive told him that before, but he can't read, this thread is not ebt v apbt, it's just a thread to see the ebt and crosses doing any sort of work
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I think it's you 2 that can't read as a few lads have said it as have I! Now Read this... The working stock used in the english bull terrier was limited, the EBT apart from the odd 1 is not a working dog, there are many better breeds to use for a cross and any decent cross over the years was carried along by the other blood in the dog!

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  On 17/07/2016 at 10:23, Lusitano said:

I think it's you 2 that can't read as a few lads have said it as have I! Now Read this... The working stock used in the english bull terrier was limited, the EBT apart from the odd 1 is not a working dog, there are many better breeds to use for a cross and any decent cross over the years was carried along by the other blood in the dog!

so what work does the Irish terrier do for work? A border collie? But they both make handy crosses
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Hello all , New here , although not new to the topic being discussed .

The APBT is hardly a pure strain of dogs . Maurice Carver said you could breed pitbulls into German Shepards in 3 Generations and vise vera . While that may be a bit of a strecth there is some truth in that. Walter KOminiski used a bull terrier in his breedings , i have seen and owned apbt dogs that looked more like terriers than some of the so called patterdale dogs i see today ..adding bull blood to black dogs isnt re inventing the wheel ..its already there..its about using the right bull blood for the right reasons.

there are many examples of crosses in apbt..look at alot of bullyson type dogs real hound lookin dogs , whos to say some old oakie didnt have some rough cur hound and bred it to a bulldog and kept it a secret ..look at RC's CH bronco looked like a boston terrier .

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was at the westmeath terrier show yesterday. their was a fare amount of strong white red and black bull type dogs and bitches all crackers.plenty of work on them.first time at the show.it was run well will be going again nxt yr.

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  On 17/07/2016 at 20:12, BG said:

Hello all , New here , although not new to the topic being discussed .

The APBT is hardly a pure strain of dogs . Maurice Carver said you could breed pitbulls into German Shepards in 3 Generations and vise vera . While that may be a bit of a strecth there is some truth in that. Walter KOminiski used a bull terrier in his breedings , i have seen and owned apbt dogs that looked more like terriers than some of the so called patterdale dogs i see today ..adding bull blood to black dogs isnt re inventing the wheel ..its already there..its about using the right bull blood for the right reasons.

there are many examples of crosses in apbt..look at alot of bullyson type dogs real hound lookin dogs , whos to say some old oakie didnt have some rough cur hound and bred it to a bulldog and kept it a secret ..look at RC's CH bronco looked like a boston terrier .

Looks, looks ,looks, looks ,looks and looks is all I hear from you. Looks has nothing at all to do if a working type animal is pure or not.

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  On 17/07/2016 at 20:12, BG said:

Hello all , New here , although not new to the topic being discussed .

The APBT is hardly a pure strain of dogs . Maurice Carver said you could breed pitbulls into German Shepards in 3 Generations and vise vera . While that may be a bit of a strecth there is some truth in that. Walter KOminiski used a bull terrier in his breedings , i have seen and owned apbt dogs that looked more like terriers than some of the so called patterdale dogs i see today ..adding bull blood to black dogs isnt re inventing the wheel ..its already there..its about using the right bull blood for the right reasons.

there are many examples of crosses in apbt..look at alot of bullyson type dogs real hound lookin dogs , whos to say some old oakie didnt have some rough cur hound and bred it to a bulldog and kept it a secret ..look at RC's CH bronco looked like a boston terrier .

Bullyson is another is it, as opposed to strictly Honeybunch?


That explains the Luther/Mali Laza/Caligula/Sany Boy look too


It was said that Honeybunch was an accidental mating from a Spanish pointer but look at what she produced ...



And Boston Terriers are from fighting stock - just another breed ruined by kennel clubs.


Gamblers Virgil was bought at a flea market so I don't believe his Ped, personally. Gr ch 35 was bought from a hedgemumper for $35 with no known history


Working dog men arent as concerned with the breeding, providing it does a job

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I disagree with your last sentence Dead Eyes, to a bulldog fancier a pound of breeding is worth a ton of feeding.

Even in the terrier game those who take breeding seriously always seem to be the same men who constantly have good 'uns, it's not a coincidence.

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  On 19/07/2016 at 07:03, neil cooney said:

I disagree with your last sentence Dead Eyes, to a bulldog fancier a pound of breeding is worth a ton of feeding.

Even in the terrier game those who take breeding seriously always seem to be the same men who constantly have good 'uns, it's not a coincidence.


Ok, fair point.


The point I was trying to make was; if it works, people care less.


Honeybunch didnt even turn on until 3 years old I believe...

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well put , Dead Eyes , Good dogs are where ya find em.

a pedigree is only as good as the dog representing it.

and with bulldogs ,who knows how much of it is true.

I personally know of a Fake CH. in the SDJ who quit in the 3rd

and went on to produce a GR.CH. and 2 CH. Ya think the guys feeding those dogs cared about the pedigree.

Remember anyone involved with true sporting bulldogs , is a criminal.

the act is illegal , and for many involved thats the tip of the iceberg.

if you dont think lying , cheating , and stealing arent beyond some of these individuals , then theres a nice big red bridge close by id like to sell ya..

to each his own , as long as your happy feeding what you own , then who really cares about the rest , as far as the origin of the thread , im sure somewhere someone is happy feeding an ebt cross somewhere.

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