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English Bull And Their Crosses Thread.

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both of the above are litter brothers and have E/B in their blood..1/4 if i can recall corectly.     E/B x russell.was a very good dog for his work.     my 1st x E/B Benson.Worked hard and w

a good bitch in her day  

This one was a handy rabbiter alright lol

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I've always wondered why their popular Neil - put a pit over a terrier a few years back - have got some outstanding dogs down off it but the size is hard to get down and the ones that come very small still think they are big.im happy with the dogs I have but if I'd my time over again I probably wouldn't have done it.

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That's the thing Len, a lot of lads think "if it's a bull type it MUST be game" and to use it is a short cut to getting gameness back into a terrier line.

My advice to anyone who has a family of terriers that's gameness is going South is to shoot them all and start again.

Like terriers most bull types are curs and to put a cur to a cur doesn't equal gameness in my book.

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What would a show breed add to a terrier line that a real bulldog wouldn't?


I can understand using EBTs back in the day when we didn't have as much access to decent bulldogs but in this day and age if you're looking to add fire, gameness and size there's only one breed to even consider using...

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What would a show breed add to a terrier line that a real bulldog wouldn't?


I can understand using EBTs back in the day when we didn't have as much access to decent bulldogs but in this day and age if you're looking to add fire, gameness and size there's only one breed to even consider using...

and that is a good working terrier.

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Couldn't agree with you more Neil, yet for some reason the EBT crosses, with terriers or lurchers seem to bring back good reviews (as stand alone dogs and not put into a line!). Though i wouldn't be recomending them to anyone!! ;)

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Lol at neil, there was a few good ebt, an ebt crosses used on old bill years back, there werent just show dogs imo

You're talking about the trials, right ?

There were EBTs that certified as sounders too and there was a lad who also qualified his beagles. I've seen breeds you wouldn't believe run a chute.

Yes a couple of EBT's did leave there mark but if in todays climate you said that you have EBTs that are the real deal and that you'll put your money where your mouth is I would say that your phone would be hopping with offers.

Edited by neil cooney
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Hasn't some of the old cork stuff got some English bull in there make up and they seem to do alright?

What about the proper Jack Russell and Sealyham that's also in there too Smasher ?

Going back to the Geronimo dogs is like comparing our black terriers of today to those of Buck and Breays, yes it's in the history but there's a hell of a lot work and breeding done since then.

With your way of thinking we can assume that maybe 1/32 or 1/64 th EBT will keep a line of terrier going nice and steady ?????

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