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he got a cat

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ok whilst i was out walking the dog in the field on the home journey and bang off he go cant find him till all the noise they got a bloody cat he never done this befor they said they rang the police so i put him away and waited around for the police and no show what should i do can they make me have him put down.the fella seems to think so


i feel sorry for the cat and its owners and will do what ever i can to make this right

Edited by bigdazz
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  bigdazz said:
ok whilst i was out walking the dog in the field on the home journey and bang off he go cant find him till all the noise they got a bloody cat he never done this befor they said they rang the police so i put him away and waited around for the police and no show what should i do can they make me have him put down.the fella seems to think so


i feel sorry for the cat and its owners and will do what ever i can to make this right

and how are you going to make it right :blink: stuff the fooker :clapper::clapper::clapper: ...these things happen mate where was the cat ../?????was it roaming the streets ....
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Dog's chase cat's, the Police know this and probably would'nt waste time following it up, i'm sure if you had seen the moggy you would put your dog on the lead where as cat's trail all over with no lead or control, although i'm not a cat fan i would'nt go out of my way to harm one but most cat owner's hate dog's, don't worry to much your dog will not be put to sleep, if you appologised what more can you do?

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I think they would have a hard job trying to get a court order against your dog for killing a cat, it has to go through the courts etc. Dogs are put to sleep if they are seen as dangerous to people (worthy of going to court) a cat is seen as a possesion like a t.v. etc is so i think if you offered to pay for a new one that would be fine. An ex girlfriends dog killed the neighbours cat but the courts are not interetsed in something like that it just happens. Dont worry about it, they can't have your dog put to sleep and you wont get in any trouble either, happens very regulary, the worse out come could be that your dog might get blinded by a cat but the law wont do anything.

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i said my sorrys and said that it must just be instinct etc but the fella was saying not instinct was lack of training. my dogs are good really this is the first time this has happened in 2 years. the thing is we train them to chase rabbit etc.


this happened around 3pm today and i have heard nothing

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as long as the cat was not a pedegrie there should be no problem expecially as it was not intentional the law states that if a cat comes onto your property youre allowed to dispatch it as long as its not a pedegrie so walking across a field and a acciedent like that happens there should be no recopucions (did the dog do well, and check that non of the cats claws dislodged and embedded themself into your dog this often happens, they can cause nasty infections if left unattended)

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The law wont get involved, the owner is just pissed and trying to scare you. Don't worry, it is the same as if your dog went and stole somebodys washing from the line and ripped it up as far as the law is concered a cat is merley a possesion and you probbaly wont hear anything, the police have probbaly have told him there is nothing that they can do, they deal with crimes against people they wont care.

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It was a accident so you have nothing to worry about, if the police come explain that it was a accident. If the dogs were set on it intentionaly and that could be proved the police can prosecute. Edited to add: the dog cannot be PTS for it.

Edited by joe ox
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i wouldnt worry to much mate there isnt much you could do if a cat runs out infront of a car or dog then its going to get hurt or killed if you say your sorry's and they aint good enough then thats to bad i wouldnt see how they could prove your dog done it if they did phone the police i would just tell the police it couldnt have been you dog and that the boys always complaining about your dogs or something as far as id be intrested aslong as my dog was ok id tell them anything . wouldnt think they would do anymore than ask you to take more care in the future anyway .

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  harddigging said:
as long as the cat was not a pedegrie there should be no problem expecially as it was not intentional the law states that if a cat comes onto your property youre allowed to dispatch it as long as its not a pedegrie so walking across a field and a acciedent like that happens there should be no recopucions (did the dog do well, and check that non of the cats claws dislodged and embedded themself into your dog this often happens, they can cause nasty infections if left unattended)


where do you get your information about a cat being a pedigree or that if its on you property you can despatch it , harddigging ?

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  moley said:
  harddigging said:
as long as the cat was not a pedegrie there should be no problem expecially as it was not intentional the law states that if a cat comes onto your property youre allowed to dispatch it as long as its not a pedegrie so walking across a field and a acciedent like that happens there should be no recopucions (did the dog do well, and check that non of the cats claws dislodged and embedded themself into your dog this often happens, they can cause nasty infections if left unattended)


where do you get your information about a cat being a pedigree or that if its on you property you can despatch it , harddigging ?


its an old forgotten law which has never been changed like the one in the isle of man where you can still shoot a scotch man in his kilt on a ceartain point of the island at 12 new years eve ive got a book somewhere with them all in ill try dig it out if i can its quite interesting

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