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Anyway gets a mark on the locator 1.6 on the other side of the bank . So starts to dig first spade in and clang hits something metal cleans around it gets the spade under it and eventually lifts an ol

The two sisters to the young dog I dug today so far that four out of a litter of five that have started on their way to be grafters !!

Cleaned me dog up then myself and then had a couple of these lol not a bad start to the new year !

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there are a lot of old farm dumps around us. they hold well. some are good for a quick bolt. especially once the dog is familiar with the place. we have had to dig under old cars broken glass tin sheets all mixed in with straw bales poly bags etc. i have a clear memory of getting to a russell that was baying away in the folded tin sheets. they where at a fairly steep slope and she was in constant reverse gear at a steady pace trying to keep herself out of harms reach. reminded me of a treadmill. had one under a tin bath. when i was young and foolish i hauled the dog out caused a nasty rip to his muzzle and the fox bolted. i was lucky the gunman shot it at around thirty yards. or i would have looked even more foolish. we also had to cut an old mangled wire milkcrate from around a terriers neck. old balled up fencing wire is a real problem as the dogs push in but when they get fast they cant get back out. snips are real handy. brought back a few memories did this. cheers. and good luck with the young terrier

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Reminds me of another dig me and the mate had, a bomb crater type hole, full of concrete railway sleepers, we knew the spot, a few lads tried to dig it, when i say dig it, there's no digging, its like a game of kerplunk with 3 hundred weight straws. I think somebody had been winding my mate up a bit about not having a go at it, he had a very good small bitch, perfect for this place, so we had a go. The bitch found straight away, you can hear everything no problem, we gave her time to settle, we made a bit of noise above them and gave it another 10 minutes, you wouldn't want a shift in this thing, one holes enough. We set to shifting the top ones, not to bad at first, but then come to some at an angle, the only sensible option was sliding them up on each other, it worked a few times, then one was a bit steeper, we couldn't get it out, only local to my mate, so i said lets get some help, but he wouldn't have that, said he could shift it on his own, but he was scared of me being in the way helping, i thought he was taking the piss at first, but he meant it, and he shifted it, hes a big lad/trains, but i still don't know how he did it? After that we had a broken bit of sleeper and a few rocks to shift, and we were through, we pulled the bitch and stood back to let it come, let the bitch chase it off when it did. We made it safe, slid some back in, its the sort of thing kids might play about in. A bit stupid to risk the bitch in it just to say we did it, but were all young and daft at one time eh.

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The two sisters to the young dog I dug today so far that four out of a litter of five that have started on their way to be grafters !!

How old are they in that pic mate .ive not seen terriers that slender when mature but then again im used to bigger dogs .Look ideal for the job though .

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The two sisters to the young dog I dug today so far that four out of a litter of five that have started on their way to be grafters !!

How old are they in that pic mate .ive not seen terriers that slender when mature but then again im used to bigger dogs .Look ideal for the job though .
only youngsters there mate
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Anyone ever dug in old railway embankments with the weldmesh layers .Nightmare .Like Neil says ,plastic bags are bad too unless you have a knife handy as too is the bale wrapping and string .Bloody farmers .

Had two separate digs on an old railway bank last weekend both hard enough going but no weld mesh plenty of stone though.
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Fairplay Marshman and young terrier. Looks like a smart type of terrier ye have there. As Fd said ideal size. 4 out of 5 in that litter starting out well. It be interesting to see if they will all make the grade. Best of luck with them ?

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