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Shotgun Kill Without Hitting??

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Hi all I'm looking for some answers and you lot seem to know what's what,recently I was shooting in a spinney for pigeon and crow and on one particular shot I took aim on a pigeon coming in to land in a tree about 30 yards away and quite high up and fired,the pigeon flew off unscathed and I lowered the gun to grumble to myself,as I did this a thrush fell from my left behind a tree that was between me and my target,as I glimpsed it fall I knew it wasn't what I shot at or near,it confused me and had me explaining to my mate for quite some time as he thought I'd mistook it for a pigeon,I replayed the scene over and over for probably twenty minutes,marking where everything was situated and where I aimed etc and it is not possible for the thrush to have been hit? It came straight down like when you shoot a bird from a perch,no obvious marks on it just bleeding slighlty from the beak,ive avoided asking as it still bothers me and don't fancy a dressing down about shooting songbirds even though I have not broken any laws as it was an accident I couldn't account for,what I'm wondering as it seems that the only likely reason is could it have been sat there out of sight but close enough to the muzzle blast to have been killed somehow by that? I've googled it but am none the wiser,sorry if this is unclear and long winded but I would like possible answers from the experience of others...

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  On 01/01/2016 at 13:08, david jones said:

Could it be a hart attack or something like that

All the best

That's what my mate said but I don't use shotguns that often so feel a bit,well confused you know,I take my hunting quite seriously and don't like "mistakes",just leaves a bit of guilt or something at the back of my mind...

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Dropped by a bird of prey that you didnt see???



Years ago i was looking at the seagulls above and one with its wings outstretched just crashed into the field

Just put it down to something like heart attack




Either way i wouldn't let a little thrush bother you

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I'd guess it flew passed just out of your line of vision. You'll have not noticed it being fixed on your pigeon. Just an accident.


A heart attack!!...??

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