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They Thought It Was Funny

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And a big thank you to big mac for being the best mate he is, the lad has a heart of gold

Vislauk , phoned me , get ready we are going out   big mac, i cant im staying in my lass is sleep walking again and there is no one in the house if she falls down the stairs again   last time she

people that do these things are total cowards i worked the doors for a lot of years and saw some nasty assaults on bothe women and men ,some people just turn pure nasty when they have a drink even the


That is why I no longer drink or go to pubs...

first time I've been out drinking in about 15 years, I had 2 pubs ov my own in my life so was always sober and on guard, more than likely be another 15 years if ever again


I understand, one of the last works Christmas do's I went to, in a decent hotel as well, a lad celebrating his 18th birthday got glassed by a woman teaching assistant for knocking into her!

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people that do these things are total cowards i worked the doors for a lot of years and saw some nasty assaults on bothe women and men ,some people just turn pure nasty when they have a drink even the little quite man,even more so with all the drugs they take these days i dont drink nor would i want to go out at new year you hear to many horror stories,one of my close mates the local lads will know who i am on about in the north east was shot and killed in new year 93 no one could touche him with there hands so the cowards shot him instead,its a sad world we live in but i just hope my mate viz recovers he did not deserve this he has enough going on in his life

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