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Tough Going For The Young Lad

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Been getting the pup out a little more on the lamp last few weeks. Had a few good runs but sadly blanked last couple of trips including tonight. He has had a coupe of good runs to be fair and

Has been a bit unlucky on a couple when losing sight. Grass is pretty long on the fields with the mild weather and he has struggled to keep sight of a few and has cost him on a couple of good runs.

My question is having not lamped much before and never brought my own running pup on previously, is there anymore I can be doing, other than the usual of trying to get nice short slips for him on suitable land. The one catch he has made (been out half a dozen times and probably slipped him 6 or 7 times In total) was on a footie field nice and flat with good visibility for him and he showed plenty of pace from a pretty long slip. the longer fields despite it slowing the rabbits down he has struggled to seemingly keep sight of the rabbits when in pursuit. All a learning curve and I am more than happy with the little fella as most of the work I do is daytime with the terriers an he is hunting up really well in the day and is relentless, but at night he recalls well and has retrieved his catch. Just enjoyed out few lamping trips and want to gie him the best start and advice would be great from those with more experience of lamping. I should add I go out regular with my old man who has lamped lurchers all his life and he rates him for his age but other opinions would be good. Pup is 11month approx 21tts and whippet x collie grew atb

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The more hes out the more he will learn just takes time to learn the beam. Eventually he will follow the beam by instinct if he loses it mid course and get on terms with it again. Just takes practice. I'd def wait for the moon to be compltly down as hes a pup should make the rabbits an easier run and should help you get closer to them.

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I'd say football fields ,golf courses and the like are not the best places as they usually have short grass and never far from cover.

So maybe the time of year would have been the key when there green rabbits.

And as said wait for a black windy night.Also try for that close rabbit that isn't spooked straight away. But the land that holds more will give you more chances.

Try your best to get on better land ,a night on decent land is worth a season on poor land.

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