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What didn't help was retards from other places, coming down, group of lads, big 4X4 or van, parking near houses etc, all getting out cammo'd up, carrying knives on their belt and with big dogs, and not having a fecking clue what they were doing or where they were!


I'm sure all of the threads on here with idiots saying 'xxxx is a great spot for seeing boar" didn't help.

aye i bet derick who runs alot of the dean in terms of forestry commission is probly loving these threads
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Best talked about face to face,not on this www thingy gents.atb dc

Feral wild boar have no specific legal protection but are covered by more general legislation covering mammals in the wild, such as the Wild Mammals Protection Act, 1996 and the Wildlife and Countrysi

They can take a dog quite far in certain situations, move through cover extremely well for their size and can shift when they want to. But you're right they stink to a dog and in open land can be run

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Na ,forestry commission people shot them all an the deer.


They must have missed 3 because they hitched a ride from the forrest over to yorkshire

Shame few more didn't feck off up there,I still wonder if forestry didn't dump the boar themselves ,don't have to pay towards their upkeep sell meat to butchers/game Dealers,fair weight to them bet they fetch pretty penny.nice little side revenue.
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You would be very silly if you rocked up in the forest these days expecting to drop one-way to on top-plenty boys been caught,they leave you a warning first time round and next time they crush your vehicle take your picture,and do everything they can to get you banned from keeping dogs-they have heard all the excuses-and as for taking them somewhere else-you must be f***ing lacking-forestry and police know the craic,stick to rabbits and rats.and what you get upto in your own head.atb dc

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