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Clulight Plr500


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My kids got me one for Christmas and last night it was put through its paces ' I've been trying different lamps over the last year and currently using the clulight 750m beam one buts it's a copy from China but are exactly the same to me it's a little heavy for the size of it and the beam is just too wide saying that it's still very very good. I've also had the deban led 500m beam which is exactly the same as the clue light in looks, but that's it , the plr 500 from clue light has a much better beam it's wider brighter and from the secret testing area I use( just a very very very long skinny field with loads of posts I have marked in the past ) my markers show me that the field of view from plr 500 is a good 75-100 yards greater than deban but a little shy of the 750 lamp , BUT !! A lot better spot . Now for the battery test the deban lasted me for nearly Five hours which was very impressive the plr over the same territory and same style of lamping was over five hours and still had charge in it when I called it a night or should say morning as I only got home at six . And 17 rabbits,3 big runners latter me and blade headed home good night we had until the plod pulled me over and asked whey there was blood all over my boot so I showed him pleased he looked under the bunnies 1H ok but not 3 lol

Hope this answers a few questions for you verdict

10/10 atb mark n blade

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