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45 Minutes With The Lgv

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So after calling at a mates and shooting some cracking groups,with the LGV,which were as tight as his Daystate mirage can shoot,and that is a test for any air rifle,as that Daystate is probably getting up for one of the most accurate air rifles I have ever seen, I had about an hour to get to my nearest perm before it went dark and go and have a quick shot or two, I got out of the car and walked down the track,no woodies or squirrels present, so I turned left over the stile and up the side of the field heading for a small wood that I like to visit when time is limited.


I caught a movement in the trees at the side of the field, and sure enough,a big squirrel was sat on the end of a branch about twenty five yards away, so cross hairs on his head,a phutt from the Walther and down he goes,stone dead on the bank side :thumbs: after retrieving him and laying him on the grass to cool down, I entered the wood, I saw another squirrel after about ten minutes, but he vanished as they sometimes do, another fifteen minutes and it was getting a bit dim in the wood,I see another one moving towards me,about 45 yards away, but behind a lot of twigs, so I decided to wait,as he was making his way towards me,he jumped onto a nearby tree and settled about thirty five yards away in the fork of the tree sideways on, so no holdover required .177 :D of course, another phutt from the Walther, and down he crashes with a perfect head shot,this Walther LGV really is turning out to be one of the most accurate pot filling rifles I have ever owned, would I recommend one to people, hell yes :yes: in .177 of course.



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So after calling at a mates and shooting some cracking groups,with the LGV,which were as tight as his Daystate mirage can shoot,and that is a test for any air rifle,as that Daystate is probably gettin

You can try to waffle your way out of it all you like, but we KNOW you have turned,it is a step towards the light brother seriously a pro sport and a HW100 in .177 it dont get much better in sub 12

Only one thing wrong with it its 177 :tongue2:   nice shooting by the way   VM say nout   atvbmac :thumbs:

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