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Pup Problems?

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Evening all, i bought a pup from a bloke a couple of months ago. When i got him he was hiding behind a curtain and was totally scared of your hands going near him. I have a feeling he was clattered a bit too much in his previous home.
I brought him home and he is now like a different dog, he is perfect in the house and out on walks, he comes on recall and is no longer scared of peoples hands.


So i took him out with us ferreting, he caught his first rabbit on his fourth day out which i was more than happy with but i have noticed other problems.

When out hunting he becomes hand shy again, when i climb a fence and call him to me to pick him up he will stay just out of reach and act scared when i go to grab him. I have been very gentle on him and have tried rewarding him every time he comes to me, but like i say, hes perfect at home or on a walk, but as soon as its hunting he changes.

He's doing well learning not to trample nets, hes running good (just needs more fitness and a bit of confidence that'll come in time) and im trying my best to never be hard on him as he gets scared easy. He loves the rabbits and i can see a good dog in him, its just getting past this fearfulness while out hunting. I should also say, hes not a people pleaser of a dog, he prefers the company of other dogs, praise and treats dont always work with him. Im working him alongside my hunting partners dogs too.


Any thoughts or tips on how to get past this?

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Take him out a few times ferreting on his own. don't have a busy days ferreting though as in spending all day laying nets and lifting nets.do a burry and then stop and have a cuppa sit next to fences when you do have a brew just talk to him about anything and everything

If he still won't come to your call while sitting by the fence. just ignore him and don't look at him he will soon come to you for attention.

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It obvious, the dogs had it bad with previous owner, smacking and grabbing.


What's he like with dog toys, get him excited with a toy indoors, that he can tug and chase, (you need to change his mind set when it occurs) you can then remove the fear through play, good luck, and we'll done removing the dog from previous c##t of an owner

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