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Best Incubator ?

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Looking for an automatic incubator, must be able to do ducks, turkeys, chickens, preferably goose, as well as pheasant and partridge, around a 50 eggs at a time, but would consider bigger if needs be, what is out there suitable, best makes to go for etc ?

Edited by Rabid
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At those volumes I'd go with MS. The new Heka machines look good but haven't used one so can't really comment.

Brinsea are ok but I'd not put them in same league as MS or Heka

Just been looking at the Heka machine, they sound quite good.

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  • 1 month later...

R Com Suro 20. What a terrific, automatic little machine this. Easy to work with and given the right product (eggs) great high percentage hatch. Another thing. Won't lose any value.

Too small for what I need though jok

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Sorry for forgetting that I contacted you an age ago. The reason was, and I believe still is, a friend of mine (farmer) was into chicken production and sales. He soon found out that it isn't the gilded lily he thought and promptly gave it all up. Thing is these guys never chuck anything away so there's just a chance that his 2 incubators are still there. From memory they are for the hundreds of eggs and are auto rotate. Might be worth an ask.

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Sorry for forgetting that I contacted you an age ago. The reason was, and I believe still is, a friend of mine (farmer) was into chicken production and sales. He soon found out that it isn't the gilded lily he thought and promptly gave it all up. Thing is these guys never chuck anything away so there's just a chance that his 2 incubators are still there. From memory they are for the hundreds of eggs and are auto rotate. Might be worth an ask.

Certainly worth asking pal, I need something petty soon, and would be looking at anything up to 1000 eggs would be fine, but really looking for something fully automatic

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