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How Long More Must We Endure This,

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well i went out saturday and sunday 2 weeks ago,i arrived at my destination at 8 a.m. fukin back to the van by 10.30 ,couldnt even stand upright with the wind(the coast probably wasnt the best choice

http://www.sundayworld.com/news/met-eireann-issue-rainfall-warning   I feel like a prisioner in my own home,non stop rain for weeks,fields flooded and I havent hunted in weeks properly,im looking

You big girls blouse. Are you made of sugar or something ? Up here we only know it's cold or raining if someone tells us, .



I feel like a prisioner in my own home,non stop rain for weeks,fields flooded and I havent hunted in weeks properly,im looking at the lurchers and thinking what am I going to do to get em out.This season for me so far hasnt even begun,ive had a few nights on the lamp,but the quarry can hear ye coming from 100 yards with the squelching of the feet,The dogs have fallen over more times when coursing on the lamp,I spent weeks getting them fit(well the son did most of it)last august/september but they are gone back to nothing again due to not being able to get out with them.This will be one season I'll try my best to forget..hopefully in Jan and feb I'll get some bit of action.........if it ever stops raining.


Feel a bit the same myself mate, the ground directly around don't really lend itself to running and I don't know places well enough yet to just have a wander.

The dogs going up the wall, he will make mince meat of the first fox he bumps into as he is bouncing.......also just been busy setting up the farm.

Pain in the arse but hey ho, I'm sure it will come right.

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<a href="http://s67.photobucket.com/user/ld387/media/IMG_0637_zpsc7qyi4wk.mp4.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h283/ld387/th_IMG_0637_zpsc7qyi4wk.mp4" border="0" alt=" video IMG_0637_zpsc7qyi4wk.mp4" style="width: 160px";></a>


heres my local area,this is/was a local walk,but not any more (one of these links is bound to work)

Edited by jigsaw
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Gem, you must be in the middle of a tornado if we got good weather lol

my place was pretty flooded but the house escaped any damage, some of my friends were not so lucky

You in Leitrim ?

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