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Smashed Toenail

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After checking the bitch over last night when we got in I noticed she had done a real one on her toenail, I've cleaned it with salt water and left it open but it does look like a bad one, is it something that needs looking at by a vet or can I just keep it clean and her on a lead until its back to normal if it will go back to normal, its not bothering her the slightest but I could do with a bit of advise if anyone with experience can comment, thanks.


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Just had the same with my dog but not as bad. Took him to vet and she told me to keep it clean wash out with salt water and don't bandage it. So sounds like your doing right but if in doubt take the dog to the vet. She also prescribed metacam and rest completely for 5/7 days. Hope this helps but as I said wasn't quite as bad as that looks.

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Thats the quick thats visible it will gradualy receed back towards the root. As told keep it clean with salt water 3/4 times a day and dont let the dog go on grass or mud until the nail covers the quick once it does put some clear nail varnish on to seal the end of the new growth.

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Why are lads taking dogs to vets for a broken nail ? If you twatted ya nail off at work or out hunting or like I did with a M10 hex nut from a bloody catty would you go a&e ? Or would you keep it clean and winge like feck about it until it healed lol

Edited by j1985
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