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Runny Eyes.

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Probably because vets have a license to print money by charging whatever they want including, like you say, £40 just for walking through the door. Terriers that work underground regular will get sore eyes but nothing that a bit of warm water and eye drops wont fix IMO.

Edited by Rabbit Hunter
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Because neither you or i have seen the dog ,therefore could be anything .You stick to your tea bags pal but dont advise anybody else when you know feck all about the condition .Eye discharge is not confined to conjunctivitus but then you'd know that having been round dogs forever .To the OP ....let the vet see it then you will be more prepared should you see it again .

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Maybe it's crying as it don't like you

You are a complete knob ketchup.

Its clearing up lads we've been using teabags and rinsing them. a few more days see if it totally clears up.if not I will take her to the vets.

Cheers king.

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