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Shooting Feral Pigeons

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sorry, it's still not legal, you also have to PROVE first that all other means to stop them have been done first, ie pigeon spikes/netting/anti perch glue etc, once all that is in place, and ferals ar

You can’t use this licence to kill birds because they are damaging your property, such as your car or house, or if they’re a nuisance.   Quoted from the General licence, cover yourself from prosecut

May be not for damage but you can when the mess leaves a health risk From slips and trips to Infection control   I would like to start a campaign A national pigeon day Every Sunday morning eve

Jok it's simple I don't shoot ferrel pigeons and in my experience they do mix it was a debate with another shooter that led me to call fedoration I know it's only suposion but if you are caught with ringed birds as I have posted because someone owns them they can take legal action

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j316 Flipping right pal. It must be said that if you cannot tell the difference between quarry, wood pigeon, and personal racing pigeons, then you should not be out there. Anyone killing birds that fly, trying to get home deserve a right bollocking,

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We as a company trap and or shoot about 5-600 feral pigeons per year on one site

This has been going on for the last 6 years the site is in the Black Country and surrounded by pigeon lofts

We have had pigeons from all round Europe every time we have contacted the owner of a ringed bird

Ether from a printed phone number on its wing or the pigeon federation they never want it back I have only had a handful

Reclaimed. These birds are a real problem

I think anyone who keeps these flying rats should have to pay a fine for everyone trapped or shot

It's all well and good saying you can't shoot them because they belonged to some one

But so do the buildings they are shiteing all over

Sorry about the rant but there are few things I hate but

Cats and pigeons do get me Mardy

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You can’t use this licence to kill birds because they are damaging your property, such as your car or house, or if they’re a nuisance.


Quoted from the General licence, cover yourself from prosecution! Act within the law then no one can complain.





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May be not for damage but you can when the mess leaves a health risk

From slips and trips to

Infection control


I would like to start a campaign

A national pigeon day

Every Sunday morning every one who ownes a shot gun should be made as part of their grant requirements

To stand in a garden/park or town centre and shoot every pigeon they see

Then in the afternoon the air rifle lads take over to shoot the ones that hide

Then anyone who hasn't got a gun gets a whippy cane stick and trashes anyone they see throwing

Corn down in a public place

Should only take a couple of weeks to sort the job out

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