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There is nothing more important than the health of your kids and I wouldn't give a flying fukc who upset if I thought my kids health was in danger BUT ... I wouldn't expect somebody else to stop smoki

They have to change their life style because you don't like it, and you call them selfish?   TC

Should be protecting their grandchildren's health.

Accip they woudlnt do it infront of them pal its all the smoking there doing while there not visiting... My babies shouldnt have to stink like that full stop weve had a couple comments "my parents" and its embaressing mrs taking it hard tbh its f***ing me off

not a bit of wonder your wife is taking it hard,its her mother and father and someday she wake up and they wont be there no more and all them lost yrs over an oul couple smoking ffs get a grip.

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Accip they woudlnt do it infront of them pal its all the smoking there doing while there not visiting... My babies shouldnt have to stink like that full stop weve had a couple comments "my parents" and its embaressing mrs taking it hard tbh its f***ing me off


not a bit of wonder your wife is taking it hard,its her mother and father and someday she wake up and they wont be there no more and all them lost yrs over an oul couple smoking ffs get a grip.

So risk giving his kids cancer because the old twats won't stop smoking around them ........

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Fuckingell lol shes not banished from there patrick shes just not taking the kids down there na more and like i said there more than welcome up here pal just when they leave they will take the smell with them , there here at mine xmas and boxing day with us... Your as bad as her with the over exaggerating ? youd think she never gonna see them again . Just dont want me kids there would you have yours in a stinking old pub would yah ..

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Accip they woudlnt do it infront of them pal its all the smoking there doing while there not visiting... My babies shouldnt have to stink like that full stop weve had a couple comments "my parents" and its embaressing mrs taking it hard tbh its f***ing me off

not a bit of wonder your wife is taking it hard,its her mother and father and someday she wake up and they wont be there no more and all them lost yrs over an oul couple smoking ffs get a grip.




Aye right ! I think maybe you need to get the grip really .



I wouldn`t tell them to stop smoking in their own house, I simply wouldn`t take them there at all.



I had all this with friends many years ago when I asked them not to smoke in my house now that the kids were about. They never set foot in my house since, so I binned them completely.


If you have no respect for anyones feelings and wishes then you are not worth my time.

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You've got to do what's best for your kids pal, if you don't want them in that enviroment then that's the end of it.


I think you're being perfectly reasonable not wanting them around that stink if it's really that bad and you're being more than fair saying they're welcome to come up to yours to see the littleuns whenever they want :thumbs:

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It's a difficult one and puts your missus between a rock and a hard place but All the adults feelings have to be put aside as it's the children's welfare that comes first ....when I smoked it was never in front of the kids and always outside... I would suggest buying them a couple of vapes for Xmas but knowing older people they would find any excuse to go back on the fags...its always good to remember that they are lifetime addicts so don't be to hard on them they can't help it its the nicotine demon.

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So my inlaws smoke alot of ciggaretes in there gaff which has resulted in the place stinking of a dirty tobacco smell,when i take my children round to visit there granparents they end up stinking there hair there clothes even down to there skin..dropped them in for 20 mins other day come back pick em up they stunk had go home bath and change them..so we could go out for a meal..



We have told them about it and they say they wont stop smoking indoors as its there home and they can do what they want.



Am i wrong or what ??? Told mrs they not going there any more mrs went spoke to chemist she reckons third hand smoke is as dangerous as second hand smoke and advised not to bring them there until place is sorted i.e sofas carpet curtains are replaced..(pricey i know) And ovbiosuly they stop ..Tbh i think there selfish fuckers ..


Hard work here now


They have to change their life style because you don't like it, and you call them selfish?


A very 1980s attitude. There's not correct place to smoke around children who can't defend themselves. So its `their` house, it's also their grandchildren and as such their grandchildrens welfare should take precedence over their outdated and cariogenic habit.



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Good idea with the vape kanny :thumbs: I got one for my old man a few months back and he's not touched a fag since.


I guess old dogs can learn new tricks :laugh:

yeah I managed to get my father in law on the vape zero nicotine now after he had stroke if I didn't the daft twat would still be smoking it's nuts but that's addiction for you.. seeing what he went through with the stroke made me stop the cigs instantly ... sucking in poisons with absolutely no benefits it's mental.

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