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Sheep Farmer Shoots Hounds

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  On 18/03/2016 at 17:53, Carraghs Gem said:


  On 18/03/2016 at 11:34, unlacedgecko said:


  On 18/03/2016 at 08:54, Paulnix said:


  On 17/03/2016 at 22:18, Carraghs Gem said:


  On 17/03/2016 at 21:43, unlacedgecko said:


  On 17/03/2016 at 15:52, Carraghs Gem said:


  On 15/12/2015 at 23:02, peterhunter86 said:


  On 15/12/2015 at 22:48, fat man said:

All this talk of doing this that and the other to the farmer or his property wont change the fact that 2 hounds were shot and 2 more were injured,BUT by law,dont know what the law is in GB but here if an unacompied dog-dogs are on land where livestock are present then the farmer is well within his rights to shoot said dogs,not that i agree with it just stating the fact he can do it legally.Sheep are such a stupid animal,only have to see a dog in the distance and there away running all over the shop.There was a case not far from me a couple of year back where a mates Springer+Terrier happened to get out of there pen,the chap that owned the dogs was also a farmer,anyway to cut a long story short they caused 15grand worth of damage with a neighbours sheep,ewes heavy in lamp,some died,some more ended up in a river and a lot more aborted there lambs,he had all ewes scanned before this incident so knew how many lambs he was due to end up with so afterwards when all ewes had lambed and the bill was sent it came to 15grand,mate was lucky as he was a member of a certain organization which duly paid the bill for him under his insurance.I try to steer clear of sheep while out with the dogs,i know you cant tell where a fox will take hounds,just one of those things but not all farmers turn a blind eye to it,joys of hunting.


An the cnuts say there's no money in farming

15k in stock doesnt = 15k in profit... breeding stock are a large part of that so take out 5-7k, vets bills, water bills, feed bills also have to be paid... there will also be normal losses (sheep love dropping dead without warning) )probably only 5k of this will end up as profit

If you can make £5k profit from £15k of stock, please come and run my sheep operation!

i could make 30-40% profit on a small scale so cant see why its not feasible on a larger scale
You aren't counting in fixed costs. You up scale and only do sheep then see if you making anything like that profit, I wager you'll struggle to just make a living.

I'm part of a discussion group. A farmer published his costs for 1500 ewes. After a year he was left with £3000.

sounds like 1 of 2 scenarios there.. he keeps hill sheep or he lives in a hot arid country like australia.... either way there would be high losses so not even close to a lowland scenario!

He a lowland farmer near Exeter. The enterprise made a profit of over £40k, but £37k of that was subsidy.


Your figures don't include land rent, fallen stock disposal or labour. They will very quickly eat up your profit, not to mention machinery and fuel.

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Lads the comments on here make me wonder about some hunting people. It's his land and if was know that he was likely to shoot dogs like you say then no matter what way ye intended to go then the right

Sorry Foxbolter, but I disagree with your posts. The farmer in question doesn't represent most farmers but if you go about doing those things you say you could turn a whole community against hunting.

Since this happened another local farmer has taken some leased land back off him and another who let him use his machinery in the summer because of his own breaking down has just billed him for it's u

I think the factor to this is you never see a poor farmer most have fencing ,sheep Sheering , bailing and many more things done by contractors which if they were poor they would have to do they self's. They nearly always got expensive vehicles and vehicles that they don't need if they were that poor let's face it if you were poor would you be driving around on a quad no you wouldn't you be walking. They don't work half so hard as farmers years ago for example of cleaning cows out now they wouldn't get off tractor. most have been handed down farms for generations which leave no mortgage for them to pay. I hate the fact that years and years ago farmer's just bought animals with very little if no land and then they just started sectioning ground off calling it their own didn't our very late family go to war to let us have a free country when if you was a farmer you could stay home to produce food but what would have happened if we lost the war then over ground. I have a lot of respect for farmers property in fact everyone's property and livestock but some are just up on their high horse and like to shout get off my land

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  On 19/03/2016 at 08:50, Paulnix said:

Am not going to reply to that and risk being dragged down and beaten by experience. :huh:

I'm seeing the same signs you are mate. I've spent this winter running other people's sheep on rented ground. Next year I hope to buy some cull ewes and lamb them on rented ground. I guess putting my own money into a business venture means I'm a rich stuck up farmer? And that I definitely deserve to have my stock attacked by out of control dogs, because my livelihood is less important than some c**t's 'right' to hunt over land they don't have permission on.


I work terriers and lurchers. I follow the hunt. I'd still shoot any dog I caught attacking sheep.

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  On 19/03/2016 at 19:59, foxbolter said:

Paulnix who's sheep have been attacked by hunting dogs ?

The point is Foxbolter,dogs do not have to attack sheep to be at fault,i dont know what the laws are in GB but here in Ireland a dog that is running loose among livestock and it dont have to be sheep without an owner in attendance can legally be shot for worrying livestock.Sheep only have to see a dog and there up and away so there is no need to stretch the imagination of a pack of hounds hunting through a field of sheep,not nice to see the hounds shot or any dog shot but people can dress it up anyway they like,the hounds should not have been on that land and it was unfortunate that they hunted onto it,lesson learned in my eyes.

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  On 19/03/2016 at 22:19, foxbolter said:

I would love to be there the day your terrier slips the lead fat man and it runs up the field innocent and gets shot in half tap you on the back and say unfortunately that's the law

Yes, like it or lump it thats the way it is. But your mentality has me baffled. you do all this giving out about shooting hounds but yet you wouldnt sympathise with a man who had his terrier shot, "love to see it" you say, and then grin at his misfortune, all because he stated a farmers entitlements......


Shit happens and shit can be prevented by forward planning but accidents will always happen. Its an unfortunate lesson in this case but the person who retaliates to these actions will be the law breaker and not the farmer. Simple as. And they will also be a discredit to hunting men as a whole.

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Love men of the law. Can't believe people siding with the farmer let's just hope the next unfortunate innocent dog he shoots next time as a owner who will not waste time phoning police and make this farmer very unfortunat.. If you read the story he shot hound to get at the hunt nothing else . And your right I wouldn't like to see terrier shot but if fatman and fox digger dogs got shot I'd like to see their faces arms out saying shit happens it's the law and it's very unfortunate what a pair of clowns. If the dog is chasing sheep then yes it should be shot in my book but this farmer knew hounds wasn't and just shot to get at hunt now they should get at him. Now I'll talk No more of the price of sheep and how the law works which some think is right. Next I here on this topic is that the farmer has had is farm burnt down and is gun wrapped around his head

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  On 19/03/2016 at 22:19, foxbolter said:

I would love to be there the day your terrier slips the lead fat man and it runs up the field innocent and gets shot in half tap you on the back and say unfortunately that's the law

Some years back i bought a partly trained lab,paid big bucks for her as she was exceptionally well bred.At 8months old my daughter let her out of the run for a ramble in the back garden but she rambled too far and went in the field back of the house where both her and a neighbours dog also a young lab were both shot by the farmer.There was no sheep but cows and calfs and he just happened to be checking on them and spotted both dogs on the field.There was also 2 young lads around 11-12 years of age up a tree messing about and said that the farmer whistled the dogs over to him and then shot them.He then went to the local station and reported the incident saying that he had cows heavy in calf and cows with calvs at foot and the dogs were running about lose with no body in attendance with them.The 2 young lads told me what had happened and i also went to the cop shop but was told he was perfectly within his rights and it could have been a lot worse if something had happened his cows or calves as i or my neighbour would have to pay costs,lesson learned at the cost of the loss of the makings of a good bitch.It was unfortunate the 2 hounds were shot,no body likes to see a dog get shot when hunting but it could have been avoided by someone making there way towards the farm and making sure the hounds did not get onto it,but to talk about burning down farms and doing harm to the farmer is just childish.I bet if it was yourself in his position with a field full of sheep and a pack of hounds hunting through it you would not be a happy man.

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The a few places, everywhere also where the is farmer going to shoot dogs as soon as the enter a field, and even dumping them on the side of the road with bullet holes through the head, some known to say nothing when enquired over a missing dog and then bragging, some just wanted to shoot a dog or to get at a owner. Some people wouldn't be right in the head themselves. I walk my dogs passed sheep but haven't hunted in them, I will speak with the farmers. Some are good some are bad, but I will stick to being in control of my dogs

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Foxbolter, you really are an absolute twat.

You have no f***ing idea how hard the average farmer works, what it's like lambing sheep 24 hours a day or the feeling in your stomach when your cattle are being tested for TB.

You always post complete shit on here and make yourself look a c**t.


If you don't know what your talking about don't comment. Its that simple.

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